Wednesday, March 29, 2006
really bad mood. hah. came across the horoscope thing. gonna post for my special ones =)
for chelle =D
Attractive personality. sexy. Affectionate Shy andreserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generousand sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity.Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered.Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness.Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle upfeelings. Observant and assesses others.
for Ethel! =))
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered.Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings.Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint.Needs no motivation. Shy towards oppisite sex.Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding.Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.Hardworking. High spirited.
for cindy!! x)
Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and tobe understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed.Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easilyconsoled. Honest. Concerned about people'sfeelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable.Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.Moodyand easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy attimes.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitiveand forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense ofsympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges peoplethrough observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits forfriends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
for stephanie!!!!
Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave andfearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.
for elisha YANNY!!
Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate anddangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotionaland temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in acrowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month,hold on to them because their one of a kind.
and last but not least for myself heh.
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honestand loyal. Determined to reach goals. Lovesfreedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
regardless true or not. I STILL LOVE YOU ALL! x) BABES! =) its been a hard hard day. tmr got check eng paper =( then must passup many things. x( IM SICK. AGAIN. i think i really need more vitamins. hate getting sick. feel so cham can.. then still got IPW. better work on it.. and hw too.. stressful!
Lost love
I loved you more than I have ever known.
Those starry eyes,
Those tender lips.
You made my heart melt,Then boil into a roaring fire. I now know,
What my eyes could not see.
You are the only one that is for me.
Many nights those tears flew.
Being myself without anyone,
Anyone to care about the thoughts.
Looking at the sky and knowing.
Many mistakes I had,
Many mistakes I have had.
Hurts me to say
It's funny how love hurts
I did all I could to make things work
you hurt me each and everyday
sometimes I wish they would just go awayeveryday I think about you everynight I cry my heart blue
I think about all the good times we had
why did they go so bad
that day was so so sad
we had our laughs together
we did bad things we wasn't suppost to do
I want to be with you, really I do
but you broke my heart into little tiny pieces
I really can't and don't and don't want to believe it
so I guess its really funny how love hurts.
Love is just soooo mysterious. guess i would never be able to figure it out. putting the right pieces of puzzle together cause there will always be a missing one.
PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE! I LOVE ALL OF YOU! x) especially my babes! =) just love loving them =D hah. thanks for tolerating those irritating mood swings and all the imperfections. being my listening ears. telling me what an idiot i was to love him. those negative comments.=) heh. just the truth bout everything. giving me the support i needed. being the pillar i could lean on. being the ones i could spill my heart out to. being the ones to see the worst and weakest out of me. you were the ones who were always there for me. i love you all more than anything and everything. =)
much love.
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Masquerade Love.
6:20 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Moving on..
Maybe its time to let you go,Cause its been a while since you called,since you cared.And I've spent so many nights lost and alone in the dark,
Waiting for you to come back to me.
Hating the fact that you're not by my side,that you're not here anymore.
And never in a million years,
Would I have thought it could end this way.
My only wish is that you could by by my side again.
But of course I should just let it go,Because you have chosen her.
Its just so hard to look away and pretend that nothing has happened
Why do you ignore the pain?
Thats so obvious to me,cause you should know.
I wonder if you knew just how much you were apart of my life.
False Hopes
When I tell you I love you
you say you do too
I ask you if you mean it
you say you do.
But in the end you just want to be friends
and as I say I understand
leaving me with a good-bye and a "I love you"
Leaving me in the dark with my false hope.
False hope that maybe I still have my chance.
Where in your mind you blocked me out.
guess maybe its really time i face the truth and learn that you dont love me anymore and that you have someone else by your side. still its not that i cant accept that he dont love me anymore..just that i cant let him go. crying just aint the cure to it. no matter how much tears you shed. the hurt will still remain. the sad truth. but yet...
sch was pretty ok i guess other then falling asleep throughout the day..:( its just boring. everyone is worn out i guess. no matter how..i dont feel tired loving you..but why. i dont want to love you anymore. but i cant control it. you're still all that i want..
Blind love is not judgmental.
There is no will to have power in a relationship when there is true love. When power predominates, true love is lacking. One person will always live in the shadow of the other.
Love is like war
Easy to start
Hard to end
Impossible to forget
When I'm with you I feel it go away when you're gone I feel it stay.
its just oh-so-true. even you cant deny it right?
Shattered dreams that comes along with your broken promises
It hurts so much to know that I wasn't the one you loved
To see you drift away with something you've held so close to your
heart for so long.
I'm gonna mend this broken heart, this broken heart of mine
And I don't know, and I won't know how long it takes me
My emotions, my emotions, they've run dried, run dried
Cause you've hurt me.
Puzzle pieces of our history left behind keeps playing on my mind
Confused and lost with the words you say yet nothing is the same
Why bring me up so high and let me fall like you didn't care.
I don't wanna waste my time waiting for you anymore
I'm gonna move on with my life cause I know you have too
So don't you ever come back into my life
Cause I'll never look back at you again.
I hate you
I love you
I miss you
much hearts.
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Masquerade Love.
11:13 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
it seems like everyone around me is just in love or loved by their particular someone. everyone around me just seem so close to you and yet you and i are just so far apart. its so hard to forget. when your friends are just so close with him. this SUCKS.
every tear that drop
just shows how much i love you
crying a river,
just shows that my love for you is eternal.
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Masquerade Love.
9:15 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
damn cute the baby!
what can you see through that reflaction.
i love her
all done by leaf sia!
10 year-olds having ICE CREAMS
cant let you go
nice nice nice
i want you back in my life
sweet kisses.
shadows that covered our lifes
i miss you..
you'll never know.
WHOO. many pics taken! went orchard with cindy. walked talked shopped. and of course snapped! hahas. saw many look-alikes. CREEPY can..! hahas. but it was quite fun lah. had dinner. and ICE CREAM! hahas. its been long since we two went out together. had many heart-to-heart talks. those were THE moments. =) bought new pencil case and new wallet. nice nice nice. hahas. it was a not-so-bad-day after all. and teachers. YUCKS. watch what you say sia..!
i love you.
im still in love with you!
much hearts.
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Masquerade Love.
10:10 PM

we're just kids

just wish you were there.

hahas. wah. ilove my tail! x)

everything around me reminds me of YOU.

running away from reality

thinking of you makes me sour

we had fun. =)

a promise we made.

ups and downs in life

the fence between YOU and ME.
these were pics when elisha came to my hse. heh. though it was a couple of days back. hahas. well i rot this whole morning! everyone went to sch. and i was home. being BORED. :( now waiting for a reply from these 2 . i want to go out!! mummy's out and im home alone. the silence that filled the hse. sighs* guess today is just a bad day. maybe its meant as a punishment so that i will have to do hw. and study. poor results. poor studies. lost hope and faith.
now that he got a new target. i dont know if i shld be happy or sad. i know he will never be mine. facing reality is like millions of knife stabbing me. making me confess for sth i never do. WAHHH. going crazy cause of you and yet you never notice at all. this is just sth kept between us. guess you'll just never know.
major worries. stupid teacher say if i dont start working hard. i will be retain in sec 2 or literally transferred to normal. fuck her lah. demoralise students. but then gotta admit. her eng damn good. after she taught me how to write the report. it seems so much simpler now. =)
i still need you. but guess she's the one you want.
just hopes and dreams that will never come true.
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Masquerade Love.
12:05 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
life's just different without you around. seeing you everyday single day just makes me fall deeper.ARGH!!!!!! results suck like shit lah. =( so so so cham lah. all boderline! ALL BELOW AVERAGE. better study real hard.. terrible mood swings been taking control of my life. met theresha just now. went back to proi sch. aww sweet sweet simple sch life. saw many teachers. had fun. =) then went back to meet with cindy they all. sigh* life's just boring without you around.
i just love her! her posts made me cry. its so deep. yet it somehow awoken me from a dream...a dream with not even the slightest ray of hope. i guess its me who cant let go. its me who cant forget. its me who has been naive all along.
tears are sobbed. hearts have been broken. life has been a torture. i just forget that day. and every other day spent with him. i know i just cant hide forever but i cant help denying either. this love is just too deep. so deep that i cant climb out of it. all the hurt, yet my love for you is still so strong. it just shows how important you are to me. but it doesnt matter to you anyway. im just invisible to you. im no longer seen in your eyes as though i have disappeared in your life. its just so hard to end everything. after all the broken promises. my heart remains true to you. but you just cant see it. you just cant feel it. after all those lies. love. hurt. its you im still waiting for. i just wished i could have let everything go. once and for all. end everything just to forget heart still remains true to you and only you.
loves been tough.
unwanted love-hillary
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Masquerade Love.
7:09 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
things happen. things like you and me. i know i cant run forever but i just cant help it but just to see you. its hard to forget. letting go is just the hardest thing. its no lie that i've really fell for you. truly and wholeheartedly. so much for true love. jiu shi ai ni. ai zhe ni.PMS PMS PMS. somebody KILL ME! life's tough when things are just not right for you. sucky! elisha came just now. that crazy girl. hahas. hyper hyper it is. wanted to go park take pics. but it rained. we walked in the rain! so fun x) its been long since we did that. we took many pics still. no rain could stop us from fun! been damn retarded! heheh. then while we wanted to go back to my blk that time. mdm lee stopped her car and waved at us! hahas! she REMEMBERS US! or maybe the uniform lah.. what a coincidence aye? damn funny and shock lah. then she went home. and we continue snapping pics. then after that about 6.50 like that headed home. went to my room and went crazy. snap snap snap! hahas. 164 pictures! hahas. had so much fun. and yup she too knows. is he i cant forget. is he i thinks about. is him that i care for.i love them! i really do. =) they were there. all those times. PMS. mood swings. my imperfections, they ignored. thnks for the support. the people i love. the people i trust. the people i love most =)wo zhen de hen xiang hui dao guo qu. dan shi ke neng ma? wo hai shen shen de ai zhe ni, ying wei yong yuan jiu shi ni. zhe ju hua, wo yong yuan wang bu liao. i really cant let you go. WHY WHY WHY. you've became part of my life. part of me. those tears that i cried are like blood that i shed. the pain. the hurt. it just comes back when i see that smile. even if you strangle me to death. i cant deny the fact that i still love you. i cant run away from reality anymore. the more i run. the deeper i fell. i deceived myself one too many times. its you that i love but im not the one in your heart. this is how love hurts? when nightmares turns to reality?i need you and i think you know it too?anyway. enough drama. x) AMERICA's NEXT TOP MODEL IS ON! whoo. gonna go!toodles!!! forget is the word.much hearts.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
10:20 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
bored bored bored. not in love. cant be in love. yet. I MISS YOU..ALOT ALOT ALOT. i really miss you. i
miss everything about us. I MISS YOU!!!!!! feel like just telling you that. but i know. i cant. i must RESIST my temptation. i ever said
i love you, no matter what
i will still love you. till my feelings decided to go on its own. its too hard to forget. its a torture to see. its just equally bad lah. life's a bore!
i dont know why. but i still love you. i still do.many hearts.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
11:15 PM
flunk maths by 1 pathetic mark!!! and history also abit expected flunk it by 2 marks. can my results get any worse! good thing pass geog. thnks to the ppl around me! =) well mummy didnt scold =) she also not angry at me x) good good!
we should not reminisce! but memories just come back like everything's alright. WHEN I KNOW ITS NOT. fake feelings. fake thoughts. why why why! why you walking into my life again. WHY! you're not worth it. but why do i still care. why do i still think of you. I
STILL CARE about you.
i still feel you but i wish i didnt. i must forget you. now i think must really study hard. cant flunk anymore. dont want mummy to be disappointed. =) must work hard. must. must. must. everything's been said and done.saddistic life. pure misery.PRAYS HARD. i did well for my other 2 subjects ***!!worried sick.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
9:38 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
HEY! yesterday went to watch dorm. PATHETIC CAN! the show like SIAN. not scary lah. stupid show. then played arcade too. saw many ppl. heh. terence and clarence =) they played pool. and now i understand what it actually means. THANKS KOR! hahas. then walked a little with them then went back to join ethel they all. went to century sq. played house of dead 4 =D so fun. but keep dying. then saw rainft and his friend there. and we also met yiling.sad sia. she cant go into arcade! =( but nvm we came out to join her. then watched chih kai play too. jet shooting skills woah! good seh!! then erm went to tamp library help michelle find bk. but in the end gave up. then went to sweet talk and drink oreo chocolate. it was suppose to be nice. but YUCKS the thing came out so wrong. walked back to tm went back to arcade cause lester still have tokens. me and ethel played jurassic park. we saw the robotics ppl too. it was like 8+ when we left tm. what a day huh. many more movies to catch!!! Nanny Mcphee! Cry_wolf! The shoe fairy! well this is for now! still got alot more to come. anyone interested in watching? =) now damn sick =( FLU ATTACK! SNEEZE SNEEZE SNEEZE! poor nose. hahas.was like damn bloody cold in the cinema lah. though in long sleeve and jeans. i was freezing.and even now. tissues are piling up the table. =( and SCHOOL'S REOPENING! k im going to end. i cant take it le. NOSE IS KILLING ME!
much much loves.
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Masquerade Love.
5:51 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
HEY PEOPLE! hah. yesterday was fun fun fun! went studying with ethel. cindy. then ian came later. then went to watch yours, mine, ours. not bad movie. =) should catch it. then after that..nothing much played house of dead 4. NICE! damn fun lah. LOVE IT. today had combine leadership camp. LOVE IT. fun fun fun! so much fun lah the teambuilding games. =D then headed to ws with ethel. and home. then went to laguna with mummy! ate jap. YUMMY! =) well those pics taken yesterday!


on the bus to my house. =) heh. long way. long waiting time.

after the movie. poor ian waiting for us outside. SORRY x)

cindy looks hot right? =)
thats all i got for now. GONNA WATCH dorm tmr =) cant wait cant wait. take cares PEOPLE!
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Masquerade Love.
10:31 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

yesterday was fun fun fun =) went to sing ktv. ate at N.Y.D.C =) bought a top at heeren, shades and rings at 77th street =)

we had fun. hahas. well. life's a bore now when you're home. slpt throughout the day. hahas. nothing to watch on tv lol. WHAT A LIFE! hahas. then tmr also going out. then got some LAZY PIG out there. dont want go for training. so i must take the initiative to wake up at 7 to call that pig to wake up! stupid pig. hahahas. elisha still in hk! but she's having fun. called me 3 times =) MISSES HER. hmm.. not sleepy not sleepy now. =( slpt way too much today! thursday going back to sch. then friday. sat. sun. THEN SCH REOPENS. how fast can this holiday end sia. it just started and now bloody hell ending so soon. =( havent touch my hw lah. gonna have to start tmr. =) k lah speechless. gonna go out tmr =)

we dont need guys to make us smile. all we need is each other =) i just simply love you guys to bits!

thats all for now. =)
take care people.
good nights!
say you love me.
say that you care
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Masquerade Love.
10:37 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006

whoo. yesterday was fun. went out with cindy, elisha, ethel, ian, marcus, ming chuan. watched movie and played arcade. BIG MAMA 2. funny seh! hahahas. the baby damn cute can. hahahas. nice nice. then after that ming chaun and marcus have to leave. but anyway. all was nice. hahas. had a great time. loads of pics. =) but well. things happened last night. fine now. =) im over him. im feel free! i feel relieve. i feel i can be myself again. a feeling i havent felt for long. i no longer feel you =) i no longer need you =) HAH. cheers! =) cant wait till tmr. tuition at 8am. going to samantha's for IPW at 10.30 then cindy at 12.30! WHOO! gonna have a blast!
facts you cant deny.
secrets you cant reveal.
everything was hidden somewhere up there.
face it.
i found it all.
free to love again =)
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Masquerade Love.
6:41 PM
BLOODY FUCK! STOP ACCUSING ME. I DONT LOVE HIM ANYMORE. FUCK STOP SAYING I LOVE HIM. I DONT I DONT AND I DONT! STOP ACCUSING ME TWO TIMING YOU. I DIDNT!! bloody is you who two time me right?! now put you love her. YOU THINK FUN AR. break stead break stead. you're such a bastard! I HATE YOU. you go believe your friends for all you want lah. THE TRUTH LIES HERE. dont believe FINE! break then break lah! BASTARD. I NEVER LOVE HIM BEFORE. which appearantly you dont believe. then now still say i so long never talk to you on the phone then no feeling for me le. I ASK YOU CALL ME WHICH YOU BLOODY HELL DIDNT. I SMS YOU WHICH YOU DIDNT REPLY! STILL CAN ASK IS THAT WHAT I WANT TO HEAR! bloody bastard. I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU. I DONT LOVE HIM. you believe anot I DONT CARE. i know whats the truth. YOU AND YOUR STUPID EXCUSES. GO STEAD WITH HER LAH. I GIVE UP. SAY I DONT TRUST YOU FINE. i tahan with that. BUT SAY STH WHICH IS NOT TRUE. PATHETIC! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DONT TRUST ME LAH. FUCK. I HATE YOU. i will never forget all the hurt you brought me. you affected my mood so badly lah. i cant study in peace. now i cant even enjoy my holidays in peace. might as well kill me and let me die right?! BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD. you good.
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Masquerade Love.
12:37 AM
Friday, March 10, 2006
you cant fight the tears that aint coming.
or the moment of truth in your lies.
when everything feels like the movies,
you bleed just to know you're alive.
and i dont want the world to see me.
cause i dont think they'd understand.
wen everything's made to be broken,
i just want you to know who i am.
COMMON TEST IS OVER! yes yes yes! OVER! finally!! so stress. total LACK OF SLEEP!!! anyway. this week is just the worst. shit nightmares. better off dying. TRUTH is the TRUTH. no point denying or hiding it. NOTHING'S ALRIGHT. his birthday was over. made him stars, hearts and one round thingy. which i guess........................................ yah. haha. cant take it anymore. why are things the way they are now?!
the moment of death.
i just want you to know. i love you.
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Masquerade Love.
8:19 PM
Saturday, March 04, 2006
hey boy. are you still with me or are you just using me? are your words true or just a shit of lies you came up with? you seem so true yet so fake. am i to believe who you are? things you've done before. you're afraid to do it? is there someone. afraid of that someone to know about us? hey boy. i really dont know you anymore. yet i dont want to say goodbye. i dont want to end things here. i dont want this to be the end. hey boy. hope you know. my love for you has been as strong as ever. even when you werent was just another day. pathetic. but the happiest moment was when he told me this: when the sky drop down....i will hold it firm with my bare hands ...until my last breath...and make sure it dont hit made me smile can =) then after all the smiling . it hurts again. not gonna reveal it here though. hahas. is it so hard to stay by one's side?! must there be so many more? only you have the ans huh. NOTHING. totally nothing happen today. and friendster changed something whichs makes ppl damn irritated! arghh.. common test common test. i give up. i've given up hope. only you can make me believe
again.i've loved you. and still love you. even at this very moment.-hillary.Labels: delete
Masquerade Love.
11:57 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
oh my oh my! finally FRIDAY! what a great ending for a week..BIO modular..freak. though..still praying that i never flunk it. half of me is : I FLUNK it. common tests has started.. for a person who havent been paying much attention in class. neither had they been doing their homework. this IS the time to PANIC! was falling asleep as usual. sighs. lessons are just getting more and more boring. nothing much exactly happened. ohhh and we did our dnt after the paper. well. i didnt bring my dnt so i helped cindy glue the shooting stars together. so nice =) and she pasted it on her project! =) well everyone in sch is talking bout NYP the girl. even in our chinese newspaper. poor girl huh. and and TODAY we have to like bring home ALL i repeat ALL our books home. its like damn heavy lah. arm pain!! nvm. then went to ws. slacked abit and we went home. =) tired tired tired. eyes are closing...*yawns
k lets go back to yesterday. well. sch was ok. ms ng bak hong took us for sra. and i FORGOTTEN to bring my SRA bk to sch. but she was nice. =) guess she wasnt as bad as she seems to be. nothing much happened. then last night. went to meet him*. =D hahas. miss him so much lah. we talked and slacked for an hour ++ then i headed home. and so did he. then went back to studying bio. [i love mrs wan!] till like 12? wasnt exactly reading bio lah. but at least still got study. tuition teacher came and helped.
i cant remember anything else le. hahas. next week i can really look forward to tests. tests. and MORE tests. quick quick tests be gone. HOLIDAYS. come on baby! cant wait man. sadly daddy's not gonna be away during holidays. =( means no more staying out late! cant wait to go out and have fun.
love, i can only think about you. you're what i want. you're what i need. its just incomplete with out you by my side. but now you're back. =) lets put our saddness and start anew. lets go back to the past where our happy times were. i miss those days. lets go back to where we started. lets go back to where it had all began.
thats all i got. thats all i had.
Thats all people!
take cares.
sweet loves.
-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
9:29 PM
HAH. i love mrs wan. =) hahas. she does not care if we do anything =)
IM in LOVE. happy girl happy girl! i love him. i love him. i love him. once again on cloud nine. =) and I NEVER FAIL my idioms and grand review! WHOO!!!! elisha just me a bitch 2 seconds ago. WAH LAO EH. cause i place the paper wrong way into the printer and her ans came in wrong side out. hahas. i dont want this period to end ever! later got modular test. *prays hard* i dont flunk it! i cant bear to flunk so many tests. results DROP. it jump right down to the bottom of the sea. i can never stick to my commitments to study =( geraldine's singing for bai se yu mao is NICE! bio ending soon!!!! but nvm. recess coming =) played netball just now during pe. tiring. hahas. ran 1 round round sch. time limit. 4 mins. i think we all pass =) hahas. mr tay is a nice guy. not bad not bad. i just realise
i miss him alot! well. bio is OVER! =( no more blogging. nvm. if i remember. i'll continue. =Dbyes PEOPLE!
i love you like i never before. I LOVE YOU; you heard that? =)Labels: delete
Masquerade Love.
9:39 AM