HOLLA PEOPLE! hahas. HOLIDAYS ARE HERE! YOOHOO! but sadly.. results were out too. and bloody hell i almost fail overall.. flunked 4 fucking subjects.. thats bad i know.. have to work really hard this holiday.. :(( but nvm. dont want to think bout that. well daddy came back today :( but oh well at least he bought me TAKE THE LEAD's CD. WHOO! thnks daddy! hahas. on the 20th May. me and cindy went to caldecourt(?) hill not sure how to spell.. took cab there and dropped at mediacorp. the cute uncle somemore drop us inside there.. then we walked down the hill looking at many houses along the side. beautiful houses :) hahas. then we walked to the green house? something like that. or maybe its flower house..ok anyway. there were many flowers. SOOOO nice. so much more variety of flowers there. then we went into a gigantic fridge. hahas. something like a gigantic fridge..at least to me. it seems that way. bloody cold. hahas. we had fun there. we were walking back to mediacorp to take cab AND GUESS WHAT while walking, one van stopped then the driver open window and look out. so we also turn back and see lah. AND WTF we saw a dead lizard.. SOMEMORE SO BLOODY HELL BIG SIA. DISGUSTING. and my dear cindy have to take a picture of it no matter how gross it was. the tongue sticking out somemore sia..!! then we got our cab and went down to novena and we made our way to sentosa by mrt.Hai sing band was performing at sentosa and elisha darling was in it. we obviously went to 'support' her. we were early! :) so we went walking at palawan beach. saw a super duper cute baby! hahas. and we also saw samantha, ignatius and company playing at the beach. me and cindy walked to the bridge and sat there. =D then when it was about time, we went to the fountain there and got a seat. and wth so many tourist lol.. abit irritating they keep walking out to the fountain and take picutures.. the band songs were nice :) very soothing. hahas then the fountain behind them reacted to the music in a way. but if it was at night. it would have been awesome. then sean, wl, jimmy, kean was there too. then we went to eat dinner. and went to..the arcade for awhile. by 10++ we headed back. then wl, jimmy, kean and me sent cindy home. by the time I reached home. it was 11.45? but it was fun.
Today elisha, cindy and i went to bedok. :) we planned to study history together :) hahas. then after that we went to tampines mall took neoprints =D hahas. we had fun. and we went to cs to eat again. after that it was already 4+. we were late for elisha's church. =x rushed there. then by the time we went in. the thing already started. it was quite nice :)) nice ppl they got there. =D sat with elisha's cell group. saw many ppl there. me and cindy felt abit different bah. HAHA. there was a special speaker? or something like that talking on the stage. me and cindy started doodling. and we played wu gui wu gui tiao. sissors paper stone. hahas. damn funny. but we had fun :). saw a guy with mohawk hair. so cool. the thing ended at 5++ 6 like that. we went off. walked to bus stop and saw kai jie. then went to cs. met ppl and we went walking. hahas. went to toys r us and played. and then we went to times and looked at magazines. laughed our socks off seeing the guy taking the FHM magazine..with the FHM bag..WHICH has the logo 'FHM' there. then mummy called and i have to leave. parents met me at tm and we ate dinner. then went to ntuc.. AND HE MSG me and told me that he around my blk there..!!! why why why wasnt i there.. but nvm hahas. holiday le can go find him =D. and now i'm home blogging and the pig is sleeping. hahas. cuteness. well. guess this entry is long enough. HAHA. =D
I've thought about one thing; it's not a bad thing
To always insist on myself, the meaning of love
Like wind with no reasons lightly fly away
Who love who?
There's no absolute right or wrong
It doesn't matter the time; telling how hard it is for us to be together
I'm not brave to prove; Love You, these two words
It's not restraining myself, I'm not being sarcastic too
Other people are all saying that I'm actually very ignorant
This kind of love has been recognized is very sarcastic
I don’t want to obey it, I’m still thinking about that matter
If you can no longer control to think me once every day
If you become more honest because of me
If you watch the movies I watch, listen to the CD that I love listening to
If you can take me to travel
If you decided to follow your feelings; to be brave just this once for love
If you say that we have each other
If you can start believe this feeling of love, this feeling of being in love
If you can give me the matter of if
If you decided to follow your feelings; to be brave just this once for love
If you say that we have each other
If you can start believe this feeling of love, this feeling of being in love
I only want one matter of if from you; I will dash ahead and love you with out worrying about my being hurt
bye people!!
baby i love you. =D
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HEY HEY! hahas. lalala exams are here! need to buck up! hahas
monday was HOLIDAY! =)) went to tm ethel and yiling! and took many neoprints. hahas. was damn retarded. decided to go airport and take more retard pics. took 27 and went alllll the way there. and guess what. we did not drop off and went all the way back to where we boarded. HAH. called up a few pri sch friends wanted to find a place to slack. but we ended up at 201's mac. long time since i went there. studied there. HAH. YES you heard it. STUDIED there. =D then the day goes by. then we decided to go back to tm..hahas. ate dinner. and then mum called and i had to go home :( so we all went our seperate ways back.
we had fun!
tuesday was boring. and was the worse day ever. long story... then afer sch went to do dnt. hahas. we had fun. spray painting =)) hahas. cutting and filing. whoo. and finally today! hahas. well. got back my maths test and YEAH! I PASS!!! =D =D damn happy lah. hmm. then presented our artefact for ipw. it went ok. our hardwork paid off after all. and CME =D then after that DNT again. tmr must pass up le..ahhhhh..lets hope my practical is far better than my theory. if not i die. haha.
1 day closer to exams..!! friday is english paper 1. and what have i really done? NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. hais. total loss of MOTIVATIONS!! my motivation please come back... i need it LOTS. but you took it away. i dont want you back le. you done way tooooo much. you affected me. i dont miss you no more. ahhhhhhh leave me unaffected please.
i love you means i love you. there's no other thing to it.
Love is like a dying rose,
all crumbled up and dead.
That's just how my heart feels,
when you're going threw my head.
I think about you all the time,
but love is like a maze.
My mind is going crazy,
'cause it's going different ways.
If only you'd just fade away,
from my thoughts and dreams...
Maybe I could sleep at night,
without you being seen.
im just bored. bored bored bored bored. hahas. just wish that some miracle would happen. and brain wash me. nothing would be remembered!!
a miracle waiting to happen.
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