Wednesday, August 30, 2006
EXAMS ARE OVER!!! :)) YIPPPEEE. im happy with my home econ results. =D =D =D WITHOUT my tuition teacher help! I SCORED WELL. for once. =) im happy that i studied. and now the fucking bloody mother fucker sad part. MATHS difficult shit. tearing up the paper and throwing right at the stupid bloody lee's face would be a great thing to do. and the bloody teacher who set that stupid paper seems to want people to fail maths. HOW GREAT! is a CONFIRM fail situation! nothing would be able to pull me pass the passing mark! :( sighs. nvm. its over. there's nothing i can do. tomorrow is teachers' day and I MISS MS ANG =D my dearest jiejie I MISS YOU LOADDDS. where'd you goooooooo! i need you! i got so much to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spending teachers' day with you is so fun. and now you're no longer here! :( just want to say I LOVE YOU and you'll never be forgotten. going back to pri school tmr for fun. then going to concert and dance gathering. can't wait can't wait. x)you bloody bitch. stop talking about us. we hate you and you know it. stop acting as if you care. if you think calling parents will work. you're wrong. no matter what we'll still be together. you can't do no shit about it. hypocrite bias fucker. think everyone loves you. hell no. you ain't that great. assuming is all you can do. believing in what everyone else say. if this is care and concern. fuck off. you don't even deserve to be respected as whoever you are. stop flirting with guys. its such a disgusting fact. cause i love you regardless it's right or wrong.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
6:17 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
HOLLLA. im bored bored bored. TMR is officially the start of common test. FREAK. :( still mugging bio after oh-so-fucking-long. BOREDED. and i've got a really cute bra set thanks to my loves :)) cindy and elisha. and most probably a butterfly belt which i wanted. YEAH. happy happy happy. WAHAHAS. cindy and i have new bras : ))Cindy's bra.
mine =D
i know its damn obvious she have bigger boobs than mine. oh-well. HAHA. we have matching bra sets =D. and she got herself another bra set too. all from young hearts.
EVERYONE IS MUGGING BIO. boo. struggling hard. i need to pass. this week will fly pass initially and HOLIDAYS. but sadly holidays are packed. teachers' day is coming soon. and freakishly none of us have anything for any teachers. though we did thought of giving. ok nvm. exams seems so much more important. IT IS 9.20 PM and I HAVE YET TO FINISH MY ENZYMES. AHHHHH =x.
im off to studying.
much loves.
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Masquerade Love.
9:03 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
BOO! common tests are here once again :( boreded. 3 days. and it'll be over. this week had been super rocky. but now its all better? going to study hard for common test. =D did chewy choo hw. COOK COOK COOK. sian idividual work. im going to die. bio is on monday. so much to memorize. LOL. and IM GOING TO STAY HOME TODAY. at least till dinner. hahas. had compo test yesterday hope i did not went out of point. my blog is dead. oh-so-dead. :( just another boring day. im off to mug =Ddar i love you. and only you.
sorry for what happened.
stay by my side throughout the night.
i miss you a whole lot.
its the truth and nothing more.
-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
10:28 AM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
TIREEEED. baby I MISS YOU! had my home econ test. hopefully i didn't flunk it =D hahas. measuration test tmr. FREAK. i just don't like maths. =( but i also don't want to flunk it. danced a whole lot today =) had fun i guess. then..... CHARLES was bring irritating with weida BEING EVEN MORE IRRITATING. the rest was alright? had SRA as usual. poked SOMEONE =) hahas. dramatic day? who cares.DARLING I LOVE YOU MORE AND're the one i'd fallen for.never letting you go <33-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
7:44 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
MUGGING FOR HOME ECONS! hahas. I LOVE PIG. : )) hahas. performed at punggol field? OUTDOOR CAN. but it was nice i guess. at night. hahas. mental blocked for a while but everything was ok i guess. one more week before common test and stupid maths teacher is flooding me with maths test. I WILL DIE. flunk my maths test...again. stress! >.<>
you are the one that can make moments last forever.
you are my shooting star.
you're everything to me =D
i love you. i really do.
i love you darling.
-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
8:55 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
TIREDDDDDDDDD!! dance dance and more dance :)) its fun. hahas. I HAVE PROBLEM REMEMBERING STEPS. hahas. im blogging as requested :)) I MISS YOUUU. i love you. i need you. tmr is the performance can't wait. =D =D DADDY COMING HOME TONIGHT. wth. he is coming back one day earlier than planned. SAD. nvm tahan! having many tests soon. real tired. so im going to stop here. BOREDED.i will love you till the end of time. never letting you one and only.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
8:51 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
im a happy soul :)) baby i miss you soooooooooooooooooo :)) school sucked a whole lot today. I HATE MATHS. FUCK MATHS :)) i fucking hate ms lee can. steven was being irritating today. ok skip skip skip. science was ok? tmr must passup english compo. freak! i have no idea what to write.. i don't want to passup!! ok. im bored. im going to start on my compo. BYEBYE people :))I LOVE YOUUUUU <33-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
8:22 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
Have you ever missed someone till it almost drive you nuts? by not seeing that particular someone will really stregthen your relationship or does it just let it fade? im confuse. its tough times like this that distract you from everything you do. every single little thing will just lead you to thinking of that someone. is love strong enough to hold you together? is love strong enough to keep your trust for each other for eternity? when the whole world falls apart and the one that is always there for you really the one for you or is he/she just someone who shows care which you've mistaken it as love? will there ever be answers? or is love just unexplainable. the times when you felt lost and confuse. the one who saved you from yourself. is he truly the one? mysteries which you have to solve. questions which you answer to yourself. the feeling of never wanting to let you go. holding you close. controlling my emotions for you seem to have become tougher then i thought. i can't seem to control myself not to think of you. i miss you. i love you. school was ok i guess. having tests. more tests and even more tests. :( flunking maths again. no surprise though. so now is either i get motivation to study if not i'll be dead tmr. i seem to love you more and more.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
7:19 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
took many many photos. hahas. cam whored while mrt-ing to bedok. =D

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Masquerade Love.
12:41 AM
: )) hey hey. went out with cindy, colin and kean today. walked alot. crapped even more. and suan-ed like no one's buisness. hahas. cindy and i cut our hair =D hahas. town-ed nothing much. went to the flea market. was disappointed. nothing seems that attractive.roamed around even more. then went to bedok eat bak chor mee. :)) walked to tanah merah and walked and now im home. wahaha. i can see again. hahas. no more fringe covering eyes. LOL. boreded boreded boreded. some people are at home sleeping! :( nvm. hahas. good nights are the one that can make moments last forever.
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Masquerade Love.
12:31 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Masquerade Love.
5:48 PM
IM BACKKKK!! back from going out with Daphne darling. she's sweet. she'd changed damn lot. AND SCHOOLING IN US SEEM WAYYYYY COOLER THAN SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahas. caught up a whole lot. it will be another 2 to 3 years later before i could see her again. love the skirt she got me =D THANKS BABE. hahas. was bored and put together some random stuff that happened recently. now doing Bio. amazing right? :)) i love surprises. HAH. caught pirates of the carribean. i know im slow. but hey.. time is not letting me catch that! hahas. it was a SUPER SUPER LONG MOVIE. and its gross.. it was cool i guess. but i stopped eating while watching. its plot was good i guess. a little draggy but it was nice. JOHNNY DEPPPPPPP! hahas. Orlando bloom was hot too. =D =D took prints with her. had fun i guess. then she left and im home. i've almost got you. please don't let go now.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
5:42 PM
5th and 6th of August
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Masquerade Love.
5:12 PM
8th of August.
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Masquerade Love.
12:40 AM
HELLO PEOPLE. im back :)) it had been a long week i guess. 8th of aug was half day. danced for cca commodation.. no comments on that. then went home. changed. met cindy and elisha and we went to catch the fireworks festival. it was nice =D sat for an hour on the steps and the fireworks lasted for like 10 mins! but it was ok. was out again. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! went with cindy and colin. caught my super ex girlfriend. not fantastic but it was nice still. walked a little then went with jimmy, ian, benedict and wang liang. then elisha and shane joined us. walked here and there round orchard then headed to bedok to eat bak chor mee. =D waited for like half and hour. saw 3 teachers there. so cute right? hahas. and i reached home exactly 12 =D now im tired =x *yawns* tommorow Daphne sweetheart is coming to visit! its been years since i last saw her. missed her much. hahas. can't wait to catch up! yawns. tired tired tired. going off to bed. goodnights people.pig. i miss you more than anything. i love you =D-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
12:27 AM