Monday, October 30, 2006
hello. 2nd post for the day. :) went to ECP for dinner after going to the airport to pick up mummy's good friend who have been stuck in hk airport for the past 6 hours. now thats sucky. she's nice chatty person. AND she and my mum talks about ANYTHING and i say ANYTHING under the sun. and that includes ME. and how troublesome daughters can be -.- wth. =x drove them back to fullerton hotel. very nice view at night. :) rushed back to catch my 9pm show. FIONA XIE IS one hot bitch in the show. but her stinky attitude made her look bad. then was america's next top model. i can't wait to find out who will win! i hope its not jade. another one with attitude -.- her confidence made her look !@#$% . jonnie is pretty :) love her shot for the mermaid thing. reading cleo and saw the topic: THE RISE fo the DISPOSABLE MALE.a topic seldom ppl would think about? lol. interesting article. :)k im off. gonna catch up on some sleep.GOOD NIGHTS LOVELYS.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
11:53 PM
hello lovely people. met my darlings at mac at 8am and yes i was later but only by A FEW MINUTES xP went for dance. intan came. and 2 hours flew by. ended a little late. the dance was nice :)) we're missing cindyyyyyyyy who's now at camp =x im actually home EARLY. daddy sprain his ankle never go work. BORING DAY. at night going to have dinner with mummy's friends. even more boring. -.- i'll just have to keep myself entertained. i need you here by my side.those sweet kisses.xoxo.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
12:38 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
PMS PMS PMS PMS. pms is driving me nuts! moods swings are getting from bad to worse. freak. tmr there's dance 8.30am. sighs. =x took IQ test to kill boredom. :)) i have an IQ of 117. x) hahas. so many things are once again running through my mind. nothing good ever comes out of that. extra thinking causing much unwanted and un-needed negative thoughts. been listening to daphnee khoo's song repeatedly. her lyrics are nice. her songs aren't that bad actually.
i just wish time could stop at the sweetest moments of life. just go back to those times when things seems oh-so-perfect at least.
i'll make it up to you...
doodled a whole lot to waste time. nothing seems to help -.- took a personality test :))
Your official personality type is: Liason
you are a Liason, a social connector. You bring people together for the common good. Making new friends and expanding your social network helps you excel in any environment. Others look up to you or your strong charisma
LOL. speechless =x
yes im boreded by life. there are things you want so badly and yet you can never have it. WHYYYYY. sad truth. dream world vs reality. dreams will always be dreams yet reality is cruel. dream is even more cruel. sad to say. you can dream to have but you maynot be able to have. whats bloody wronggggg.
pms is acting up -.- SIAN.
will you still love me after that 18 days...
you all i ever needed;wanted.
i love you.
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Masquerade Love.
6:54 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
here ar some of the pics.
elisha's heels. :)
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Masquerade Love.
7:26 PM
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Masquerade Love.
7:23 PM
HELLO :) tired day. SHOPPPINGGGGGGGG :)) went for job interviewing with cin,elisha and mich at some warehouse -.- then cabbed to bugis. elisha wore stilettoes(thanks kor (: ) not sure how it is spelt but something like that luh. and it hurts alot hahas. went shopping at bugis street. ate at bugis cafe. cam whored alot. hahas then we each bought a top. cindy bought a dress. elisha bout a shirt dress. mich bought a shirt and i got myself a tube dress/top :) then i bought a belt for it :) saw keith and his friends. !@#$% not going to elaborate the tiny details. went back to parco. wanted to sit. then we saw this machine that takes ID photo. elisha ran in and sat there. she and cin took the id photo for fun while me and mich took pics outside. then we went to a corner and sat there and cam whored more. took many retarded photos. by then it was 5+ so went back. saw didi outside tamp mrt with his friends. and now im home :) im a happy girl :)i miss you so.i love you most. :))ilovebee:)head over heels.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
7:10 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! neither sad nor happy but it was boring for sure. i miss 2e5'06 =x =x had class cleaning and we got back our year book. i look like fuck! nvm. hahas. then we had a signing session :) mrs koh retirement (?) was announced today. I DON'T WANT HER TO GO!! then we have some gay guy taking her place. I DON'T WANT A GAY PRINCIPLE! then after school ended accompanied christian at downtown with cin, elisha, mich and steph till 1+ like sit very long but its only 1+ then! inbetween we also went back to sch and went to the school hall and played piano. christian wanted to play unfaithful so all of us helped and we taught him how to dance :) then steph went home first then we decided to take long bus rides to unknown places to waste time. took 12 again. and i realise everytime we plan this kind of no-specific-place-to-go thing there is bound to be some weird people on board the same bus! -.- THIS TIME was definately THE WORST. a WEIRD OLD MAN almost poke me with his umbrella when we wanted go up -.- then he keep scolding us. FOR NOTHING. even after he boarded the damn bus and sits like 10m away from us HE IS STILL SCOLDING US. like wtf!! we decided not to listen though i still can't help it. and he still continued talking to himself -.- LONELY GUY. then along the way a few ah bengs boarded the bus and sat with their legs on the sit and talking LOUDLY and limiting their vocab to what the fuck -.- the old man seemed alarmed. he started to turn back and stared at them. and then he suddenly shout and i mean really shout. sadly i didn't get what he was shouting -.- then he say something bout the fella should put his leg down then the guy shout back at him. the old man even said about calling the police -.- the guy like can't be bothered and shouted back call lah call lah. funny yet weird. then when they left they started shouting wtf again and the old man said you want me drop with you here? and something else which i can't recall. DAMN WEIRD LAH. but abit poor thing. he like don't know where to drop. when we alighted he even say bye to us and ask us to be good girls -.- WEIRD. say want complain blah blah then say bye. HE HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES! stopped at mountbattan(?) road there. then took another 12 back =x i know its dumb. but we got nothing better to do. cindy worried about seeing the old man again thinking that he will realise he missed his stop. but luckily. he was no where in sight. :) saw korkor on the bus. then alighted with elisha. saw leon after that. and home sweet home.why are we still here,i know you're not mine.what are these feelings that i feel?i love you so're still my shooting star.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
6:22 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
at orchard. outside indoor stadium and inside it.
can't really see but its jonathan leong :)
Eletrico :)
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Masquerade Love.
7:32 PM
HELLO :)) got back report book today. results were ok lah. not good. but better than my mid-year. went to elisha's house. watched prayer beads. ghost show. quite nice. then parts of titanic =x hahas. she have a hamster which is oh-so-adorable! hahas. crawling everywhere. yesterday went out with cin they all. walked round orchard. tried on many dresses :) then at 5.30 went to meet my parents at cityhall. then off we go to indoor stadium. ate at oasis there. then walked abit more. took some photos. then we went into the stadium. not many people can. then sit there wait and wait and wait. like not filled up. i think its the worst thing to see when you have a concert can. Hype up started off boring. no offence. Hady was BORING. cin and i thought it was going to be a waste of time. then after that daphne khoo came out dancing. SHE DAMN THIN. but her boobs went with her weight. sad can. but she look hot. and she also sang a song written by herself call Paper. nice :) it lighten the atmosphere. then there was Sylvester. HANDSOMEEEEEEEEE. he dyed his hair black. HE DAMN HANDSOME!!!! then after that lucify sang a chinese song which i can't hear the lyrics at all. and they also sang faint by linkin park and one more song. can't remember what i think is Its my life by bon jovi. then after that there was.. Paul twohill :)) he sang a song with jasmine and here without you and i can't remember if there was another song anot. Jasmine sang foolish games. super nice. then there was Don(?) and Drew singing the muttons song and be my valentine. i love that song. the guitar also very nice. Olinda sang jazzy songs. AND JONATHAN LEONG. WHOO. he sang faraway by nickelback and should i stay another wonderful song. then was Taufik singing a very nice malay song accompanied by dancing. he seriously reminds me of usher. then he a song can't remember title and his new song. HE also sang yue liang dai biao wo de xin with olinda. so cute can. his chinese is good eh. damn sweet. there was a couple sitting infront of us then like they getting closer and closer lol. SWEET. and the show ended with taufik singing I Dream and then joined by hady singing You Give Me Wings. the concert was nice! not as bad as we expected. the whole thing ended at 11 and off we went home. i kind of miss the concert. hahas =x took some pics of it. not very clear though.i will wait forever.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
6:53 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
hey hey :) stuck at home. nothing great happen lately. life is getting boring!
I could talk to you for days
You make me laugh one thousand ways
Not realising (you for me)
Like hot water (and my tea cup)
I'm enchanted by your smile
I must admit took a while
For me to see that (this was something)
More than (he's my friend, it's nothing)
I hope to God, you feel the way I feel
Cause this could be amazing
Something so super real
There's something about you
And you don't even know it
I'm telling you know that you got me good
There's something about you
And I can't help but show it
Damn it you got me good
Now I'm not alone
With you I'm home, I've gotta let you know
You got me good
Your style your voive your pints of view
The good the bad and ugly too
Boy I'll take it (give it to me)
I'll be careful (give it to me)
Addiction don't dome close to this
Official is what this sh- is
Still I can't say
No I can't say that (I'm in love)
I hope to God, you feel the way I feel
Cause this could be amazing
Something so super real
There's something about you
And you don't even know it
I'm telling you know that you got me good
There's something about you
And I can't help but show it
Damn it you got me good
Now I'm not alone
With you I'm home, I've gotta let you know
You got me good
I just wanna
Be your all and all
I just wanna be the one to make you fall
I wanna take you away
I want you to be with me
I want you here with me forever
Be my holliday
Let me take you away
There's something about you
There's something about you
And you don't even know it
I'm telling you know that you got me good
There's something about you
And I can't help but show it
Damn it you got me good
Now I'm not alone
With you I'm home, I've gotta let you know
You got me good
-something about you, jamelia
i love you.
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Masquerade Love.
4:45 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
thanks to Andrea. im tagged.1. Are you single, taken or crushing?crushing :)2. Are you happy with your life now?not really. but i can live with it bah.3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast?depends.4. Have you ever had your heart broken?yup5. Do you believe in some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?no comment.6. Would you take someone back if she cheats on you?depends. if i really love him. yes.7. Have you ever talk about marriage with another before?not really but yeah.8. Do you want children?yes : )9. How many? depends. hahas.10. Would you consider adoption?yes.11. If someone likes you right now, what do you think is the best way to let you know her feelings?just say out lol. 12. Do you enjoy getting into a relationship?hahas. yah.13. Be honest, what is the furthest thing you n your ex did?lol. 14. Do you believe in love at the first sight?don't know.15. Are you romantic?don't know.16. Do you believe you can change someone?depends lah. the guy willing to change then can lol.17. Do you easily give in when you are fighting?see the situation.18. Do you have feelings for someone right now?yup19. Have you ever wished that you could have had someone but you messed it up?yes.20. Have you ever broke a heart?yes.21. If one day your best friend falls in love with the girl you are deeply in love with, what would you do?if he love her for real then i also got nothing to say what. 22. Are you missing someone right now?yes.Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs. Write down their names in the list below. Tag them in their blog to let them know.1) cindy2) elisha3) michelle4) samantha5)
thereshajust came back from vivo with my parents. yeah i got a new printer :) no more stupid printer that likes to break down! sleepyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :)i can't imagine me without you.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
4:53 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
hello hello hello :) I MADE IT I MADE IT I MADE IT :) YEAH. ALL MY WORRIES GONEEEEEEE :) yesterday went to vivo with cindy and elisha. went to zara, esprit, warehouse, forever 21, topshop etc. to try on dresses. hahas. then went to watch The Prestige. NICE SHOW. its mysterious lol. then went to the rooftop there. so nice. if there wasn't any haze it would be so much better luh. then we acted nutty at one of the empty space. shot a few videos of us being retarded. HAHA. today had innovation day in sch. elisha didn't come. made banner to support our class. then learned how to play drums after that had music concert. our class sang breaking free. great effort bah considering the fact most of the us did not do anything. then there were guest performances. the singing. the guy was great he did a solo. then band performed canon in D. jian jun was in it :). then it was the DANCE. not going to elaborate on what happen. but we were damn angry after that. after school ended went to downtown eat. meet elisha too. then went to far east cause dear elisha wanted buy stuff. mich bought shorts. she looked HOT. :) elisha bought alot of things (?) then about 4+ headed home while cindy and mich and colin went to eastpoint. i love you, its true.As long as stars shine down from heavenAnd the rivers run into the seaTil the end of time foreverYou're the only love I'll need
In my life you're all that mattersIn my eyes the only truth I seeWhen my hopes and dreams have shatteredYou're the one that's there for me
When I found you I was blessedAnd I will never leave you, I need youi can't imagine me without you :) are the one.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
7:13 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
HELLO PANDA :) boreded now. came back from camp in one piece. it was quite fun luh even though we're not in our own class. my stupid bag was huge -.- and heavy. and i didn't use half the things in the bloody bag. went on a expedition on the first day. the trainer was fasting. poor thing eh. then due to haze we only covered 26km. wth. due to haze only. if no haze. =x went back to camp. rested for awhile. the prepared for campfire. then dah dah dah campfire starts and then had to do NYAA thing.. and bathe AND SLEEP. hahas. our plans on changing dorms was ruin thanks to cindy soh's terrible screaming. talked to kim and samantha that night. kimmy slept eventually. me and sam stayed awake till 2am :)) next morning. woke up at 5.30am. damn tired. muscle ache. prepared. tried to pack my bag properly then had morning stretches. then after breakfast we had the skills thingy. had to pitch and unpitch tents then had first aid. abit borning at first. then after that we played with bandages. then it was Back Woods Man. we cooked outdoor :) made orange egg and jungle bread. orange egg so cute can. hahas. the jungle bread tasted like flour -.- and then our last skill was knots and slashing. after that we went back to our dorms and pack up and took our bags back to the mph. then we brought soap along with us as instructed. and we had area cleaning. AND ignatius and kim had a great time slapping my tigh. they enjoy seeing their hand marks there. -.- after that it was time to GO BACK HOMEEEE. the camp was nice luh. had some sweet memories. wahaha. and can't forget that i killed alot mosquitoes there. hahas. now im happily sitting infront of the comp. going out with elisha, cin and mich later to vivo :) bee is once again busy with games. hahas.i love you. really. :))-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
10:37 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
boreeeeeddddd. got back some results on thurs. sucked. fail history as expected. flunk chinese. then friday came back to sch for graduation night. had fun blowing bubbles. sad to say mary koh would no longer be in haising next year. and someone will take over her. yesterday went to korkor and friends chalet. hahas. quite cute lah. walked about. talked alot. today they went back home. and now im boreded here. WAHA. me and cin are going to hype concert. : ) daddy got tickets. LOL. tues and wed got NYAA camp. sian. everyday is packed with something on i guess. watched SILK on friday too. it wasn't scary at all lah! the stupid scene they show as ad all that like make it seem so scary but it turned out normal.. elizaberth kena shock still -.- hahas. ethel grabbed her. so cute. life seems boring? =x i've got nothing to type..yin wei tai ai ni, shuo yi hai pa shi qu ni.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
3:58 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
my maths is gone case. =( and my nov. holidays are filled with chalet, camp, bonding sessions, dance and most importantly SHOPPING : )) can't wait. and i don't want to know any more of my results! and i miss you love...-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
6:27 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
YEAHHH :)) exams are OVER =D wahahas. now i can go out all i want :) had my final papers today. was ok i guess. cept maybe for maths. went to bugis and town today with cindy elisha and christian. hahas. quite fun. went to costume shops. weird stuff can be found there. did some serious window shopping. we're all totally worn out. tired tired tired.bee have vb =x hahas. sad.i love you.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
7:14 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
:) just like a star across the sky.yeah. no more hazy mornings :)) finally! clear morning. fresher air. ultra boredddd. lit paper is tmr. i don't really hate lit but knowing that its a bloody 2 hour exam it definitely won't be a piece of cake. scoring F9 for lit. sighs.. i miss my bee. =x =x =x i really meant what i say. i give my love to trust me mah?its a death note.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
3:01 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
hey lovelys :) fuck maths fuck maths. stupid khoo wee wee. trying to be funny. set a stupid paper. =x sure flunk. sighs. hahas. now im mugging maths. :) caught world trade centre yesterday with my darlings. it was sweet. it was quite nice. hahas. waiting for exams to be over. i don't want to see my results!! sure like crap one can.. -.- went to east coast for dinner with parents. having me to miss the channel 8 show's final episode -.- but luckily andrea recorded for me :) THANKS LOVE. walked at the beach. felt abit strange luh. abut like lightbulb. saw many little kids playing with firework sticks. many familys seem to be camping? sad to say. moon cake festival then the mood not say very clear. it was round and orangy? haze was super strong. abit irritating. the air was hard to was nice seeing many couples being uber sweet. :) hahas. i also wantttttttt! nvm hahas. then went home and caught a little bit of the show before it boreded. as usual. ok im going to continue doing kept me alive. :)-hillaryi love you.Labels: delete
Masquerade Love.
11:53 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
have you ever wonder why some guys just like to think that the person don't trust them when they ask them something not so great.. weird can.. =x HAHAS. but anyway. science was so-so hopefully i pass all 3 papers. chinese wask ok i guess? lol. tmr is the oh-so-wonderful maths paper 2. MATHS SHOULD JUST DIE. and leave us in peace. :) hahas. hopefully it doesn't kill if not i can say byebye to maths. =x qertyuipisdfghjkpvlovezxcvmsjdhyoupwqoeurnsldnhaving you in my life was amazing..and i never want it to end..but if you want to go..i can't stop you can i?and i never want to speak these words.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
7:02 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
SCREW GEOGRAPHY! damit. the paper damn fuck up can!! x( so going to flunk it. =x THIS IS TOUGH >.<>
tireddddddddd. tahan :) thats what pig says. LOL. =x
give me answers, give me through.
i will wait.
Always, all ways I wanted us to be,
always, all ways you and me. :)
i love you.
-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
3:04 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
im bored am being one saddistic bitch now. BORED. i hate myself for thinking so muchi hate myself for being so paranoidi hate myself for everything i did wrong.YES. SADDISTIC. pms is acting up. stupid. dumb PMS. im going !@#$% and i don't know whyyyyyyy. this weird feelings that crawls into me every now and then are driving me nuts. whyyy is this happening?!!! can't anyone just fall in love IN PEACE? why can't anything go right.blood, slits, tears.someone just kill me.and let me bleed to death.everything is wrong,nothing can make it right.only you can.mooooood swinggggggggggggggggssssss.every drip of blood, are tears from my heart.ok. im done being saddistic :) today had chinese compo and english compre. so-so both papers. im ultra bored. geog got bloody 17 chapters to study. off to studying :))-hillarydoes anything i do mean anything to you?Labels: delete
Masquerade Love.
3:07 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves. But you can. With your help, we can eradicate this evil trade. We do not need your money. We need you to light a candle of support . We're aiming to light at least One Million Candles by December 31, 2006. This petition will be used to encourage governments, politicians, financial institutions, payment organisations, Internet service providers, technology companies and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse. They have the power to work together. You have the power to get them to take action. Please light your candle at or send an email of support to Together, we can destroy the commercial viability of Internet child abuse sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children. Kindly spread this to your friends, relatives and work colleagues so that they can light a candle too.
LIGHT A CANDLE, help make a change. they are after all children. innocent young life. hurt, totured for nothing. people who does it are sick. do your part by lighting a candle. it may take 2 minutes of your time but it can save alot of children.
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Masquerade Love.
5:19 PM
hey. :) caught JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE with my lovelys just now. not awsome awsome but it was good. unexpected ending which made cindy when @#$%^ i think you get the picture =x hahas. history paper. i think im going to flunk it like i always do. english i think i went out of point =x. crap something's gotten into me..bastard you say i flirt you think you not huh. say all you want tell the whole bloody fucking world how i was the bitch and you're the victim. flirt then flirt lah. does your pride means that much to you. like you've never lied or flirt. say all you want. im done. i don't want to fight with you. pointless.there this story about a girl and a guy. the girl is head over heels over him but she doesn't know if he feels the same about her. he meant the world to her. she could spend all day and night just talking to him. the guy somehow made her felt like she is the one and only one. slowly the girl fell in love with him. seriously in love not just a summer fling. the first guy she fell for on her own. two months passed, he meant even more to her. and her love for him grew even deeper. every single day she would wonder if he felt the same about her but no matter how much she wondered, the guy just don't seem to show anything. the girl felt lost. she loves him truly and deeply but he made himself such a mystery to her that she just can't see the slightest feeling in him. so much was said but in reality was is it as true as it feels? the girl just wished that one day he would just say something to her. to make her feel right and secure. or even if it was something bad. she still wish the guy would tell her how he felt. she was willing to accept all truths even if it hurts. she wondered if he was serious about her or was she just another girl that comes and goes to him? the words he said meant alot to her but she want to know that its true and not just something he says and forget. she really want to know. everyday her love for him grew and everyday she silently waits. it seems to take forever but she would wait regardless good or bad as he got the best out of her, as he had seen the weakest of her. that's how strong love is. the story of the guy and the girl. will the guy ever tell her? or would it end without an ending? when can she ever call him her own? does she have to wait forever before he tell her?do i have to wait forever before you tell me?i wish i knew..-hillarydarling. i love you more than ever. :)Labels: delete
Masquerade Love.
4:42 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
tmr is the start of hell. =x history is killing me, as usual. feel so distracted. super boreded. if everything in this world died on me,would you?if everything in this world had given up hope on me,would you?i don't know why but you seem to keep me going.your presence make me forget about everything else.every word from you is as sweet as honey :)seeing you makes me smile.i can't be without you.stop spreading stupid rumours. get the fuck out of my life i stand in the dark.every moment, i wait, hoping to hear those words from delete
Masquerade Love.
3:57 PM