Sunday, December 31, 2006
In about 1 hr and 15 mins, it'll be 2007! doesn't it amazes you how time flies? is goodbye 2006 and hello 2007. I'm going to miss this year super much. alot of things happened regardless good or bad. I MISS MY GIRLFRIENDS. thinking bout all the retarded things we did. all those good times. i miss my class! so much missing. lol. hopefully next year would be a even better year. nothing happened this few days. hopefully can meet love tmr. school's reopening real soon and my holiday hw are yet to be completed =x doing very last minute stuff. was being very retarded with love. he thinks i'm dumb -.- i've yet to watch finish my girl. SO MANY THINGS TO COMPLETE. went out this afternoon. went to marina sq and esplanade. mummy did some major shopping. wanted to get a dress for myself but it was either too small or too big. daddy tried to find something i like but in the end mummy seems to be the one buying it -.- but it was still ok. then went to esplanade saw all the wish thingys which people made. the river was filled with balls. sound so wrong HAHA. then saw many workers, no offence. the whole place was really filled with them. some people were already waiting for fireworks -.- oh well. i'm spending the countdowns at home, with love on the phone (:never say goodbye,-hillary5 more days to our special day (:
Masquerade Love.
10:42 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
Here are the photos i promised (:
the necklace (:
Masquerade Love.
10:52 PM
hello (: IM BACKKKK to singapore. HOME SWEET HOME. went out with love, fishball, kean, cin and sean. watched death note 2. it was long. but nice (: went all the way to vivo to watch. love was sweet. (: i've got a very pretty necklace from him and a cute teddy bear. thanks darling. vivo's GV was freezing cold as usual. then went to simei slack. didn't take alot of pics. had fun at the playground. saw many small kids. baby you're the best ((:-hillary
Masquerade Love.
10:45 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006
Happy Birthday Grandma!
hohoho! its time of the year again where everyone is in the mood of giving. lol. wishing all my dearies the best in everything and anything. was busy busy busy the past few days. so lets date back (:
23rd December 2006
my dear cousins WEDDING (: all went well luh. the bride is pretty. and i helped out at the reception. like not 300 over people squeezed inside. the people were nice. played games hahas. everything practically ended 11+++
24th December 2006
CHRISTMAS EVE (: went out with relatives. my nephew IS LOVEEEEE. soooooo cute eh! then went shopping again. then at night went for steamboat (: and RUSHED back home to make it in time to call SOME PEOPLE. xP hahas. called love and talked the night awayyyy. saw many stars. it was beautiful. went off at about 2++ am. oh and i received presents (: WAHAHA.
now everyone is at home. (: sweet. gonna celebrate grandma's birthday tonight.
gonna upload pictures soon (:
COUNT DOWN. 3 more days.
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Masquerade Love.
12:13 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
HELLO (: hahas. went shopping today. i've bought nothing appearantly. SIAN. then like sooooo many ppl. super tired. had jap today. watched show. damn funny. and everyone loves salmon sushi (: tmr seeing my aunts tmr night. and saturday WEDDING (: hahas. i love seeing people get together. (: sweet. ok lets go back to yesterday.went shopping again. bought love's christmas present. wahaha. and bought gifts for my dearies. love and people received my christmas card ((: hahas. IM i love you.-hillaryLabels: 7 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
7:41 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
love requested for a photo of me and my family.
the woman on the left is mummy's friend. damn cute.
xoxo-hillaryLabels: 8 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
9:43 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
here are some random pics i took here. (:

this place is simply amazing
christmas trees hanging way above me.
while eating with mummy. i saw say want to see me so here i am. I'VE GONE FAT! damnit.

thats practically all the photos i've taken. love if you're reading this.
I LOVE YOU. (: don't skip meals.
mnuch loves.
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Masquerade Love.
9:44 PM
HELLO. boreded i am. love is training -.- i'm stuck here. 3 cheers. tmr's gonna be much much warmer. sat is cousins wedding. can't wait. grandma is sleeping cause she's sick. NO ONE IS ONLINEEEEE. i want to go out!!! yeah next week i'll be back. need to do a little more shopping and i'll be done. the christmasy feeling is nice. gonna decorate the house soon (: lol. nothing interesting is happening.. saw many dogs. damn cute. ok that is super random. haha. i just realise my neighbour's side view looks alot alot alot like jay chou (: HAHA. i need some serious entertainment people. i miss dancing. i miss you badly!!! wo bi shui dou geng ming bai ni de zhong yao.-hillaryCOUNT DOWN. 9 more days.Labels: 9 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
1:52 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
HELLO people. hahas. nothing much to say. went to china yesterday. saw my friend. she like damn smart. daddy is thinking of buying a house there. niceee can. but china quite safe also.. boreded. leaving this short. hahas. take cares love.-hillaryCOUNT DOWN. 11 more days!15th December 2006
HEYYYY (: my flu is going going gone! Went shopping again. I’ve got myself a lovely pair of boots. A new jacket. A pair of shorts. ((: more shopping moreeeee. The love and joy of shopping. Yesterday did some shopping too. Didn’t get anything for myself but I did get something for my dearies. Damnit. One major thing to worry about. Luggage overweight. -.- pathetic thing. Anyway. Rained again today. Raining always spoils one mood. Rain + cold = flu. Weather dropped. Going down to 12 degrees.. how I wish you were here.. anddddd I NEED A NEW PHONE BADLY. My cock up phone is damn fuck up. New phoneeeee for Christmas (: am I asking too much? LOL. Who cares. Another 13 more days and I’ll be back. Can’t wait. I WANT GO SHOPPING WITH MY DEARIES. CINDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY we’ll go shopping! Guess tonight I’ll be having steamboat at home. Damn. I’m growing fat!!!!!! =x I’m not going to eat for the next few days! I need 24hrs access to the internet… dying of boredom. PEOPLE I NEED YOUUUUUUUU.
Love I need you most.
Gei wo ni de ai.
COUNTING DOWN. 13 more days!Labels: 11 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
1:02 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
WHOO. ages seen i blogged? not exactly.. FINALLY. (: currently at home watching tv. went to see the doctor today. went for high-tea with mummy and her friend. they damn cute. talk bout how to make sure your husband don't cheat on you. damn funny. rained today. stupid weather. rain then temperature drop. can't wait to come back.. i need to do more shopping..!! anyway, here are some posts i didn't have a chance to blog earlier on.13 December 2006 ( this morning)
HOLLA my lovelys. Temperature just changed and its getting colder -.- wtf. Anyway yesterday’s shopping trip was great. I bought clothes and shoes. And some stuff for people. Haha. And I’m going to continue today. (: in another 2 days time my cousin would be here too. I super bored now. Planned to send x’mas cards out today.. hopefully I can.. not really tv crazy this year.. BLOGGER IS SLOW FUCK. This sucks.. apparently love is sleeping..another pig -.-
Baby I miss you oh-so-much
I love you.
Counting down, 15 more days to go!12 December 2006HELLOOOO PEOPLE. Shouting out from hk. (: I MISS LOVEEEEEEEE. Anyway, been here for two days and I’m sick like fuck. Going shopping later with mummy! (: nothing fantastic have happen.. am really bored. My throat is killing me. Grandma is cute. Everyone here is nice. Saw many cute ang moh babies! Yesterday I stayed home. Walked round with mummy. The beach was nice. It’s going to be a busy week! And thank you daddy who got me internet connection. (: now I can come online!
Counting down. 16 more days!
DEARIES, you’ve been missed much.
missing alot of people now. can't wait to hear love (: my flu.. going going GONE.soon. hahahas.why does my heart go on beating?-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
8:44 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
PEOPLE. in less then 2 hours time i'm off to the airport. lol. last night packed most of my stuff. brought one of the dwarfs along (: and his shirt (: i'm going to miss love terribly. MISSING EVERYONEEE. my 6 dearies. (: love, fishball and foxxxxxyyyyyy (: HAHA. hope everyone would still in the the christmasy mood when i'm back! talked to love on the phone just now. lazy pig on his queen size bed -.- LOL. i'm just bored.COUNTING DOWN: 18 days and i'll be BACK!zhe shi ai de mo li. wo bu hui li kai.-hillaryLabels: a few hours away.., delete
Masquerade Love.
10:09 AM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE ME FROM BOREDOM. i've nothing to do but blog. tmr 1.30pm flight. have to leave in the morning.. ): life. every year have to experience this and it gets harder every time i leave. i want see him one last time before leavinggggg. my wish for this christmas, spend the next christmas with love (: anyway, mummy and i plan to go shopping on tuesday. my dear cousin is coming back on friday. hopefully i'll find something to keep myself busy with. i need shoeeeeees. in about 24hrs time i'll be on the plane.. winter winter winter. baby i'll be back with surprises (:you asked me why i giggled and laugh.its simply because, seeing you just makes me make me wanna surrender my soul.-hillaryLabels: 1 more day, delete
Masquerade Love.
1:03 PM
Friday, December 08, 2006
here are the pics which i was supposed to post up a few days back.
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Masquerade Love.
11:39 PM
ahhhh! 2 more days and i'm off to hk. i miss love terribly much. went to the doctor this morning. had super big anti-biotics -.- fever finally went down. went to love's house and watched confessions of the teenage drama queen. then the medicine caused drowsiness and made me felt like sleeping. then fishball, kean, bronza came. sit awhile then went to slack. then around 5+ went to meet cindy and elisha. went to bugis (: took neos. walked round bugis street. then about 8 went off to take mrt to simei. met love again for a short while and he have to go home ): can't see him till 29th or so. I MISS HIM OH-SO-MUCH! i'm still in singapore and i'm already missing everyone. I STILL WANT MY CHRISTMAS PRESENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT PEOPLE!!!!! love is gaying with kean and he ps-ed me for kean. LIFEEEEEEE. staying home tmr.. boreded. need to start packing once more.. please let 18 days fly like no one's buisness! love you're the only one for me.-hillaryLabels: delete
Masquerade Love.
11:03 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
DAMN. i forgot to upload yesterday's pic. and now i'm super duper lazy. oh well.. i'm down with feverrrrrrrr cum sore throat. and in another 3 days time i'll be in hk. I MISS LOVE MUCHHHH! and there goes another christmas not spent in singapore. for once i have a boyfriend during christmas and i can't bloody hell spent it with him! sadded. 18 long days.. lets hope its not as bad as i imagine it to be. dear shasha is back from sarawak (: misses her much. going to love's house to watch confessions of the teenage drama queen and gonna go out with everyone tmr (: can't wait! went out with cindy today. was supposed to dance at citylink. we made it there. but guess what! my radio decided to died on us. we tried every retarded way to get it to work. saw a group of ppl. they have been seeing us trying to get the damn thing to work. AND EVERYONE there seems to be dancing the same songs as us. -.- finally gave up.. sean came. then we left. walked to suntec. ate. then love can't meet me. haha. then we rushed off to cine to catch cinderella. missed the first bit though. but it was quite a nice show. not very scary. and its definately not a chic flick for those of you who think that cinderella is some fairytale like thingy. after the show. walked round wisma atria. saw red indians playing yue liang dai biao wo de xin. DAMN CUTE. then walked to forum shopping mall. went to toys r us. but before that. we went on this escalators which took forever to get us up and down. a magician showed us some amazing tricks at toys r us. damn cool eh. and finally we took mrt home. long day huh. wished love was there.. (:baby you're always in my heart.-hillaryLabels: 3 more days.., delete
Masquerade Love.
10:42 PM
(: having this sudden urge to blog bout a particular something. my dearest, i love you a whole lot.i know this is weird. haha. but after what you said to me just now. i was touched to tears. now you're happily sleeping. i know no one can control my life. but i like the way you show your cares and concerns. it makes me laugh and yes i purposely say things which may make you think that i don't want to listen but i do listen. i just want to play. sorry if i made you pissed. don't change cause of some things you think of k? now i'm left with puffy red eyes. lol.i love you more then ever. i want to fall in your arms and stay there forever. you showed me that miracles do happen. i'd only dreamt about having this kind of love. but now i'm living it (: i thank you for making me the happiest girl i can ever be. you're the one that can make moments last forever. i love to sleep. (:i miss you love.-hillaryLabels: 3 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
1:44 AM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
hohoho. christmasyyyyyyyy (: went towning with cin and mich (: i miss them! hahas. took many many photos. and neoprints. we had fun. hahas. elisha is coming back from sarawak tmr (: after that went to whitesands to meet love and his friends then went back to simei to slack. crapped. hahas. didn't see that fella anymore. hahas. CHRISTMASSSSSSSS. sian. another year not spending christmas in singapore. at least i have new year to look forward to (: HAHA. gonna post pictures up later X)that's when i love you.-hillaryLabels: 4 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
9:05 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
(: baby is out celebrating his dearest sister's birthday. went to his house today and i watched perhaps love. i'm slow =x its a nice show. fishball and kean came too. then after that went to eastpoint. then went to slack. then saw my pri sch friend not going to elaborate on that though. then around 7 i went off. love's dad sent me home (: his grandma is uber cute!anyway as time pass. after many counselling sessions from me (: fishball has officially grew stronger! wahahacounting down to 5 more days.. sian!baby i miss you!once again, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LOVE!-hillaryLabels: 5 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
8:52 PM
Happy one month anniversary love! (:
Happy 14th Birthday Melody! (:
dearest, you're the living proof of what love is about.
every moment spent with you made me smile.
every word you said touched my heart.
everything you do, you made me feel that i'm being love.
YOU mean the world to me. (:
051106 is just the beginning.
you're all i ever needed,
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Masquerade Love.
12:16 AM
Monday, December 04, 2006
wahaha. (: today love celebrated with me our one month anniversary and his first month anniversary (: all smiles. got my hair cut then went to his house. MY HAIR IS WEIRD =x he talked about his suprise throughout last night and he couldn't keep the suprise till the actual day -.- the box was huge -.- but it was nice. it had the captions : a gift for you with love from me. sweet.
the ribbon and stuff was done by him. and so was the box. (:
inside contains seven dwarfs. and i'm supposed to be the snow white. wahahas.the box in the middle contains stuff made by love.
i love him to bits! hahas. you're my one and only.
i was bored. so here's a pic after my was cut. not much difference there i guess..
counting down, another 3 hours and 17 more mins to our one month. another 6 more days before i go back hk.
baby i love you so.
Labels: 6 more days., delete
Masquerade Love.
7:53 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
HOLLA my lovelies. (: boreded. love is playing bejeweled. AGAIN. hahas. out with parents again. boring day. made a christmas card out of boredom. looks weird. HAHA. there's still alot of hw to be completed and i'm still in dreamland. counting down to 2 more days before our one month anniversary (: and another 7 more days before i go back hk.I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you
You came along
In an unexpected time
It was so divine
Knowing you are mine
It feels so right
When I look into your eyes
I never knew that love
Could make me feel this way
I can't wait for the day
When I can truly say
I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you
with you I felt fine
So right
I've sang so many songs in stages
With thousands of them watching me
But you're here with me now
And I sing this song to you
To you, baby
Just for you
Just for you
I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you
-beautiful days, kyla
baby you're my one and only.
i do see beautiful days with you love.
Labels: 7 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
10:13 PM
TIREDDD. and i am still blogging because love wants to read -.- went to celebrate his sister's birthday (: pretty girl with big eyes can! hahas. went to heeren walked around.. his cousin came. talked abit while waiting for kean. then headed to Shaw house. watched casino royale. nice show. his sister oh-so-lovely (: hahas. oh and we had a great time suaning love. HAHA. i had fun. but sadly had to rush back to tamp to meet my parents. hope she enjoyed her birthday in advance (:3 more days till our 1 month anniversary. 8 more days till i go back hk. time pass damn fast!can't wait for the 5th! i miss love.-hillaryLabels: 8 more days, delete
Masquerade Love.
12:20 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
here are the photos. (: love doodled on my arm again.
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Masquerade Love.
9:33 PM
30th nov.went out with ethel darling, love and fishball. planned to bowl but ended up having fishball and love playing arcade and me and ethel stoning. imagine, everyone around you is walking round having something to do and you standing there, seeing time pass by.. anyway we were dead bored luh. then after an hour or so, decided to BOWL. kean joined us. it was a rather interesting game. hahas. came home. phone fucked up again.. love came online and we played msn games (: 1st DEC.time flies.. ITS DECEMBER. the christmasy feeling is here once again. another 9 more days i'm leaving for hongkong for 18 bloody days!!!!! anyway.. got my phone fixed. went to simei to meet cindy and mich. ate lunch. went to pet safari. THE DOGS ARE LOVEEE. then went to love's house. completed most of the english hw i guess.. then watched the last part of The Incredibles. mich and cin played HALO. damn funny luh. then before we know it it was 6+. cin and mich went off. kean, love and i went to slack with people. crapped around. then 7+ i went home. SIAN i don't want go back.. I MISS PEOPLE! it would be no life for 18 days.. but then on the brighter side.. there's a wedding! other then that i have nothing much to look forward for.. going to posts some photos taken yesterday (:i love you dearly.-hillaryLabels: 9 MORE DAYS., delete
Masquerade Love.
9:23 PM