Friday, June 29, 2007
life is such a bore. hahas. school was boring i suppose. but since its friday its cut short so not that bad lah. is NCC day today so our dear mr rafi is in his uniform FUNNY CAN! was suppose to have sex ed. but it changed to CIP instead. suppose to paint plywood for the wall outside our class. pretty cool lah. hahas. went for dance. dance was fun. slacked awhile. and slept X) hahas then went to meet dearest at tamp.swoped mp3s appearantly. hahas. im being a kind soul and upload nice songs into his mp3. LOL. AND FARIZAH IS NOT PICKING UP PHONE CALLS! rahhhhhhh. i'm tired. ahhas. anyway, tmr is sat. finally. waking up late X) waking up early is not an easy task anymore. i'm super bored now. and i loving the saving now function in blogger. X) HAH. being sleepy i accidentally clicked some buttons and poof went my post. but now its all back! ok this is it. take care my dear dancers (:liu zhai wo huai li.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:53 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IAN TAN WEI JIAN AKA life is boring. went for pc. completed my pc X)) today chinese teacher didn't come then free period! i'm so bored. kuku! talking to darling now. i miss him so much lah. anyway nothing much to say today. HOHOHO. so im off. X)i love you so much.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
12:04 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I'm HAPPY! i completed two of my dear girls blog. X) HOHOHO. and now michy! where are you! i'm gonna do yours too. School is boring appearantly. free periods are love i tell you. and there's a physics test tmr which i can't study for cause everything is in school apparently. and then there's poa hw which i also haven't touch. fuck and poa is first period tmr. AMANDAAAAAAAA my smart smart poa person! HELP! anyway, i'm super tired today. yes. super. didn't even feel like going to school in the bloody first place lah. and i think i will love my new bio teacher X) praying hard that can my bio will actually improve. :DD met love today and he had cross country. HAHA. funny can. oh well. not gonna elaborate anymore. gonna try to study some physics before i flunk like nobody's business. EOY is coming soon i suppose. RAHHHH screw it.always on my mind.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
8:41 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
BOOOOOOO. darling was super pissed just now. nehneh. wonder what happen can. now he's sleeping like a pig i suppose. oh well. school today was so so. nothing much happened. looking forward for end year trip X) hahas. anyway. we're less than 2 weeks away from VIBES. we can do it! (: ok somehow i feel super pmsy. fuckit. i don't know why. my hw is appearantly not done still. shoot me. RAHHH. slept for what 2 hours last night. dance was super tiring but its love. now i feel abit clueless over i don't know what and its driving me nuts lah. i don't want to go school tmr! -.- fuck yes i've got nothing to write. i want you to know that, i miss you, i miss you so.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
10:17 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
FINALLY i've changed my skin and changed my link (: and now i'll have to help my lovelys too. school starts tmr. BORED. and im loving my new skin. HAHA. im bored and tired. and babies are uber cute creatures! specially those with nice big eyes. X) oh well. i'm gonna continue helping my lovelys. come and play with my desires.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:32 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
HILLARY DID HER HOMEWORK TODAY! yes. i'm very happy. I COMPLETED MATHS X) and chem X) and then i went round disturbing the hardworking people :D yes i'm an ass. cam whored luh. i'm super bored now. school's reopening in like a day's time. fuckit. i feel super lazyyyyyyy. i want change my blogskin AND I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO DO IT. thats how lazy i am. anyway here are today's photos (:
and since i was cam whoring outside. i had to leave earlier so i continued cam whoring at homeeeee. hahas. yes call me crazy but i was super bored. so yup here are more photos. HOHOHO.i miss love alot. and i don't know why. RAHHH. hahas. his blog is super dead lah. and to think of it i bothered to change his blogskin so that he would blog. wth wth. nehneh bluff me. and and i read Cleo's magazine and they say that MILK can make pms better. drinking milk in the morning can help pms. X) IM GONNA DRINK MILK EVERY MORNING! wahahas. ok super random. =x anyway, this bout it.
i'll be right here. (:i love you.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
10:43 PM
Friday, June 22, 2007
HOHOHO. my 300th post (: ok today we had dance. and it was love. we bonded. really bonded. then love sent me home and now he seem to be coming down with flu. -.- see lah. XPa certain someone special to me inspired me to make this post. have you every wondered how you've been the victim in a relationship and yet the one who cheated/dumped/played you are having their best moments of their life now with another love they found? i mean when you think back. a certain someone who flirted with you or hong you in other words is having their love story completed and all and yet yours is a total mess. well this certain someone finally had enough of it. i mean its true. life can be super unfair lah. specially if you're the victim of love. when all your friends are in love or out of love you seem to be the one that they tend to go to, to confide in but never were you the one to confide back in them. moreover you didn't choose to have your life stuck this way. looking back at old love, seeing how happy they are now just hit you hard. 100% damage. maybe you just shouldn't look back. if they dumped you, they played you, they cheated on you, its their lost. not yours. its their lost that they thrown away something precious. it's hard for you to see all your friends going head over heels with their love. even if you feel happy for everyone in this world. the world seems to be crashing down on you. sometimes you may feel you don't want anyone to worry for you. but you're human after all. you're like every single person on earth. emotions run wild and things go haywire. but always remember as friends, friends are always there for you to confide in. they'll be more than happy to lend you a crying shoulder. no matter how strong you think you are. face it. you have your down moments too. even the most popular girl have their down moments eh. no matter how you show that you don't need a guy or how you say that you don't give a fuck bout guys but at the very end deep down inside you, you wish to be showered with love and care like every other girl. no matter how strong you are, you will break down. bottom line, every girl wants to be love by a guy regardless they can or cannot live without one. after all they think guys are shit, guys are useless, guys are a waste of time etc etc. you want a guy too right. don't just sit there and wait for happiness to find you, find your own happiness too! hope that certain someone will feel better after reading this. you know there's a big group loving you lots every single day. SO CHEER UP! i'm just a call away. (:phew. that was LONGGGGGGGGGGG. hahas. anyone. love is being sickening cause he's down with a terrible flu and he doesn't want to put his shirt on. -.- despite nagging at him till im sick of asking him to. DOTA BRAINWASHES PEOPLE. =x hahas. dota seems to be super important lah. wth. DOTA IS EVIL. dota steals boyfriends! DOTA STOLE MINE! =x hahas.i'm loving you silly.-hillary20, 02, 21 all yours! HAHA.
Masquerade Love.
11:55 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
holla humans (: dance was cancelled today so went to downtown with my sexys. went to BK to do hw. YES WE DID HOMEWORK! X) ok i did abit of maths. i put in effort can =x ok then we cam whored hell lots lah. then sam left for her tuition and we went to arcade. super boring lah. then walk here walk there. went to mac. talked. then sean came and we went to ws. yes we were super bored people. mich left then sam came then went to foodcourt. love came to pasir ris mrt to find me. then sam went home. the rest of us went to bedok kfc for dinner. damn spastic lah cindy's story AND SOMETHING DAMN RETARD HAPPENED. but im gonna be kind and not say here lah. HAHA. i laughed till i cried. HAHA. *smiles at cindy* then we went our seperate ways home. love's hand is being wrapped damn cute lah. and despite being wrapped he can still play dota and all lah. -.- KUKU EH! wahahas. that bout it for today. (: here are some photos.
i'm so bored. =x-hillary
Masquerade Love.
10:32 PM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
HAPPY 2ND MONTH LOVE!i'm loving you sososooooo much. went to watch fantastic 4 with love today for our early celebration cause both of us are not free tmr (today) hahas. he super cute lah. i stand there wait and he searched everywhere for me but the place im at. hahas. i'm missing you luh kukuhead. (: created a livejournal account earlier on and yes its shitty. hahas. most probably gonna change my blog link soon after donkey years. and now i think love's mad at me. boo. ok. im gonna go make him smile. byebye people. good nights!love, you're my one and only. no one can replace you luh. and no one can change that fact. (: we'll have many more months to go. wahaha. xoxo.ILOVEYOU.-hillary200507
Masquerade Love.
1:06 AM
Monday, June 18, 2007
IM TIREDDDDDD. and bored. hahas. i'm back X) overselpt this morning and made dear sam wait. SORRY BABE. went to get our hair cut. i look crap in the photo -.- Sam on the other hand look super doll pretty and hot hot hot! i think she looks even better now. X) went to bugis with mich and sam. i bought my cardigan and white shorts. i'm happy. hahas. mich thinks me and sam look like sister. SAMMY lovelove. hahahas. mich had her sexy short shorts on. half the time her ass can be seen! hahas. but damn cute lah. walked round and round then went back to tamp. played arcade. saw many familiar faces. so here are the photos. didn't take many.
the one with elish was on friday after ethel and people left me and sha decided to snap pics.
Me and jiejie at the cute car sign shop at PS. X)
LOL. yes. thats a BOOB radio. i don't get it why would people want to buy it lah. must be sick bastards. =x HAHA. and its from the car sign shop at ps. damn cute lah.
anyway. today while taking mrt to bugis. we saw the condom advertisement. LOL. i mean in hongkong its openly being promoted on buses and mrt lah but in singapore. i saw i stomp just last night and was laughing bout it and can't believe i saw it today lah. mich thought it was some kind of sweet in weird packaging. FUNNY CAN! hahas. today was love lah. and my dear cindy is back from tioman(?) I MISS YOU SEXY. even if you're charcoal i still love you and your two assests X)
yeah 2 more days to 2nd month. dearest i'm loving you more and more!
Masquerade Love.
9:31 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
this neoprint was taken during geraldin'es dance concert. and yes it took me 1234912764017 years to scan it =x HAHA. but here it is. (: DANCERS FOR LIFE. LOVES.
and hell yes im damn bored. gonna go cut my hair with sam tmr. X) can't wait! and now ethel is saving me by asking me play jigsaw tool with her X) BRB.
back. game can't load. wth -.- HAHA. msn is screwed up. everything seems to be temporarily unavailable
ok now im back to boredom. love is bathing and he's taking 927349864917 years! hahas. i need nice songs. badly. and and i just remembered 3 more days to 2nd month. time flies. but its also quite slow eh.. it seems like we've been together very long. but yet its barely 2 months only. oh well. many more months to go X) im loving you darling!
hillary is effing bored. SAVE ME PLEASE!
Masquerade Love.
10:22 PM
GOOD AFTERNOON PEOPLE! the weather now is super nice to snuggle back into bed lah! yes yes i want to sleepppppppppp. i'm sick and tired of my blogskin appearantly. rahhhh. and yet im too lazy to do anything about it. SOMEBODY HELP! omg. im bored. homework is shit i tell you. i don't want to touch them at all. not that i've attempted to lah. love is at home watching some show on channel 55. HAHA. poor thing. can't go out. lol. I MISS HIM X) i filled myself with all sorts of cold drinks and food today and i'm gonna die from cramps. screw it. i need photos! JIEJIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. come onlineeeeeeeeeee. i want that spastic photo. AHHA.LOL. im taking forever to blog. went to pinkisthenewblog. britney spears is no longer that pop princess ppl once knew eh. appearantly now she likes wearing her clothes backwards. -.- poor thing. a failed marriage ruined her life lah. wth can. ok im getting super bored and sleepy. so byebye X)lovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
4:01 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
omfg. im so bored. yes. anyway. went towning with elisha ethel ian and alvin. heh. went shopping cause my dear elisha decided to stop mia-ing X) hahas. super cute lah. it rained. but it was alright lah. ethel went to meet her sister. ian and vin went to meet sean, kean and justin. leaving me and elisha to continue our shopping spree. walked round every shop lah! HAHA. AND GUESS WHAT. bloody period came. RAHHHHHH. no wonder i was !@#$% bad mood lah. oh well. then i went back home. went to tm with my parents and i saw this couple at ntuc and the girl had her hand inside the guy's shirt lah. and she was rubbing his back. like not sick also. in public eh. and they were walking about as they were doing that. damn wrong lah. my cramps are !@#$% painful can. screw periods! on the phone with love and he's playing dota -.- lol. im boredddddddd.lovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:54 PM
HELLO! hohoho. caught shrek 3 today with love and jiejie. (: met jiejie at simei ealier. vin was there too. mrt-ed to doubyghaut. reached there early so me and jiejie went round walking. then we went into this super cute shop that sells car signs. very spastic. took a pic with one of it but its in jiejie's phone. then went to grand cathay meet love. was asked to do some survey half way. damn lame lah the questions and the fella was fuck weird. the movie was super funny lah. and the shrek babies are omfg cute! after that we sat outside and talked. saw a dead bee and gazillion of ants crawling around. they were like twirling the bee in circle and spinning it lah. super spastic. and we stoned to watch them -.- jiejie went back to simei for her music lesson, me and love went to east coast for his class bbq. we saw a lovely rainbow on the way to east coast. super sweet lah. then saw his teacher and his classmates. only a few cause many didn't turn up i suppose. a pity can. then we went to another class's bbq which was like one pit away lah. they damn cute lah. (: then we ate and talked. yadah yadah and love sent me home. now he's back at east coast eating away. he and his friend like never attempt to feed a kitten with cooked chicken wing. -.- damn cute lah the kitten ran away. AHHAHA. im being lame with ethel right now cause we're super bored people. iloveyou.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
12:52 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
fuckit. my parents are screwed up people. yes. at least today they were super screwed up. oh whatever. what else can i do but just live with it. anyway. im super bored and tired now. i seem to have lost every sense in blogging. there don't seem to be much for me to blog bout anyway. tmr gonna meet val and love for shrek 3. yes im slow. but slow better than nothing i suppose. then gonne go to his class party i think. ok i really have nothing to say now. rahhhhhhh. this is pissed! -hillary
Masquerade Love.
11:14 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
hohoho. appearantly there are more pics from the malaysia trip X) me and kim were being retards by taking photos of each other taking photos. X) the beautiful sky was taken at the place where we had our seafood dinner. most of our rooms had KL CC as view. so yup. (:
im uber bored. save meeeeeee. screw it. went to settlers with lovelys. wanted to go escape but it was wayyyyy tooooo hot. love was at gamers and settlers was what a few shops away?! yes we were that close to each other but we didn't get to meet -.- LOL. dearest you're miss X) went to central today, the one near boat/clarke quay. its really big. some how reminded me of far east plaza abit. the place is quite nice. singapore sales are on so everywhere is having the prices slash downnnnnnnn. :DDD ELISHA LETS GO SHOPPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! remember!! during the examination week how we dying to shop together for same dress? YES YES LETS GOOOOO. i wonder when you'll read this. oh well. CINDYYYYY ETHELLLL MICHHHH SAMMM STEPHHH EVERYONEEEEEE LETS GO SHOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! im going nuts. i want to shop badly =x kimmy's at JB right now. I KNOW YOU MISS ME WOMAN! hahas. quick come back. i miss you too. all those retard moments on msn X) and our kecik! im missing everyone. =xlovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
5:10 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
HELLOOOOOOOOO. had a long day today. had maths lesson in the morning and off to meet my sweethearts at ws. went to downtown arcade. BEAT IAN IN KOF X)) and then off to dance. met love after practice. thanks love for waiting outside school ya? <3>
was talking to ethel and michy. and now things are finally settle and i love my dancers terribly much! suddenly memories of sec 2 flooded back. ups and downs and what not. long practices during syf and everything else. awww. i miss those times!
To my dear dear michy!
silly girl. everything is alright now X) and nevertheless I LOVE YOU X) so keep smiling and show those perky legs sexy! there'd been many ups and downs ya? good and bad times. so no grudges beared. you're LOVE LOVE LOVE. and i'll be more than glad to be your listening ear! look on the bright side ok? things are getting better by the day despite all that happened. no matter what we'll be there for you!
And all my lovely dancers! X)
babes you're all LOVE LOVE LOVE! we're all growing together and when times are bad we'll always be there for one another regardless love, school, friends, we'll always be there! thanks for being there for me. helping, caring and everything else. keep dancing sexys!
and my dear esha!
you're not left out ok! EVERYONE IS MISSING YOU! study hard luh girl. we'll study hard together X) being friends for 3 years. i've grown to you being there. thanks for always being there for me when times were bad like fuck and listening to all the rubbish. i love you oh-so-very-very-much!
and and and humchi ppt 1008!
though we like distant BUT IM MISSING YOU PEOPLE! gathering soon ok?! thanks for being there for me specially that time [you know what happened] and spending my birthday and valentines day with me. my birthday was super memorable X) yes yes. I LOVE YOU GUYS!
this is a super duper long post lah. MICHELLE YOU MOTIVATED ME LAH! hahas. its been awhile since i typed this much i suppose. you're all love! and i'll be there for you even when the sky comes crashing down on you.
one last person (: TAY QI RUI! my dearest boyfriend!
I LOVE YOU SOOOO! thanks for withstanding all my nonsense and unexpected nonsense lah. though we quarrel but that won't pull us apart ya? you've made me realise what love is about (: and im loving you so much more as the days passed. our promises are to be kept! silly boy you'll always be my love luh. i want go star gazing again my one and only.
ok. this is long. X) but oh well. i feel like a happy person. so i guess im ending it here.
babes! keep dancing and shaking. you're all LOVES. and remember,
we'll be there for you even if hell falls on you.
Masquerade Love.
10:28 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Here are the pics taken my KIMMY. (: on the malaysia trip.

yes yes me and elisha look like housefly on the first one. the shaky one is taken using kim's new camera. TOTALLY NOT ANTI-SHAKE LAH. me and kimmy and at grand seasons hotel on our first night at KL. yes we're sleepy people.
Masquerade Love.
5:21 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
BOO! waiting for love to call. and appearantly i've started waiting since god knows when lah. had oral today. nothing much. went to meet ethel after her HCL. waited for the rest to come and went for dance. it went quite well. cin and i laughed like no one's business lah. HAHA. went to meet love with sam and ethel. walked round and round and he sent me home (:DANCE PRACTICES FOR HOLIDAYS!8th June, Friday 3pm - 5pm11th June, Monday 3pm - 6pm12th June, Tuesday 3pm - 6pm13th June, Wednesday 1pm - 4pm14th June, Thursday 1pm - 4pm20th June, Wednesday 1pm - 4pm21st June, Thursday 1pm - 4pm22nd June, Friday 3pm - 6pmthere goes the holiday. so yup thats bout it.lovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
11:34 PM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Pics from malaysia 3 day 2 night trip. (:

pics from before dance practice and geraldine's dance concert. (:

Masquerade Love.
9:18 PM
IM BACKKKKK. hahas. actually i was back on the 3rd. love was really love lah. came to school to send me home. had school at 8.30am the next morning lah. AND we thought it was 9 so appearantly i was late. so was sha sha and many other ppl. lesson ended at 10. went to galilee with sha, kim, farizah and sya. had a super long and spastic talk. went to macs to get shaker fries and waited for su and val to come. went to jiejie's house. and was being damn retarded lah. then went to colin's house. WAR CRAFT CAMPAIGN!!!! hohoho. finally su and sha came then waited for bronza. smart girl lah took wrong bus =x HAHA. funny can. su sha and colin went blading. me jiejie and bronza walked. then sit down at the stone and talked. cabbed home. was super bored lah. this morning was late for school again. this time IT course. DAMN LAME LAH. teach bout html and stuff. 9-5 win can. so long. went to meet love. SUNBURNT. hahas. super super red lah. HAHA. X) now im super sleepy AND there's ORAL and dance tmr. BOO.lovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:05 PM
Friday, June 01, 2007
RAHHHHH. im tired. super super tired. came home at 12++++ X)) went to geraldine's dance concert. HOT HOT HOT. kc and sajc were guest performers. the dances and dancers were smoking hot can. out of the whole dance only 9 of us went for the concert. cin,mich,ethel,sam,maine,vivian,jeanette and chloe. not many but it was fun X) damn retarded. cam whored and neoprinted. went to clementi and had dinner there then cabbed to UCC. the whole thing ended close to 10.30. bought a mocha cake for geraldine and waited for her to come out. she look super super hot. HAHA. and everyone was dead beat. chloe's dad was super kind to send us to the mrt station. dropped me off at raffles while the rest tanah merah i think. went to merlion to find love (: sat there see he and chen hao be retarded. then love send me home. hahas. LOVE IM SOOO MISSING YOU NOW! now and the next 3 days. hahas. he's been super sweet luh. he lent me his jacket X) and i lent him my gameboy in return X) AND HE BOUGHT THE TOPSHOP SINGLET WHICH I THINK GUY LOOK HOT HOT HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT IN. X))) WAHAHHA. ok im being retarded. im super tired can. RAHHHH.LOVE I'M MISSING YOU YOU YOUUUUUUUUUUU. bet you're gonna read this soon. i love you lots and lots. xoxo!gonna upload pics for today when i come back X)you'll always be the only one <3-hillary
Masquerade Love.
1:59 AM