hohoho. appearantly there are more pics from the malaysia trip X) me and kim were being retards by taking photos of each other taking photos. X) the beautiful sky was taken at the place where we had our seafood dinner. most of our rooms had KL CC as view. so yup. (:
im uber bored. save meeeeeee. screw it. went to settlers with lovelys. wanted to go escape but it was wayyyyy tooooo hot. love was at gamers and settlers was what a few shops away?! yes we were that close to each other but we didn't get to meet -.- LOL. dearest you're miss X) went to central today, the one near boat/clarke quay. its really big. some how reminded me of far east plaza abit. the place is quite nice. singapore sales are on so everywhere is having the prices slash downnnnnnnn. :DDD ELISHA LETS GO SHOPPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! remember!! during the examination week how we dying to shop together for same dress? YES YES LETS GOOOOO. i wonder when you'll read this. oh well. CINDYYYYY ETHELLLL MICHHHH SAMMM STEPHHH EVERYONEEEEEE LETS GO SHOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! im going nuts. i want to shop badly =x kimmy's at JB right now. I KNOW YOU MISS ME WOMAN! hahas. quick come back. i miss you too. all those retard moments on msn X) and our kecik! im missing everyone. =xlovelove.-hillary