Friday, August 31, 2007
Been pretty busy, trying to meet dead lines. stayed up till 3am last night to rush for teachers' day presentation. this morning did our dance. hahas. had a little oppsy. other than that everything was fine. partied hard in class. DANCE DANCE! hahas. i love my class. super retard! so we danced away. sand for every teacher and it was just fun lah. rushed over to primary school. saw many familiar faces. AND MY LOVELY GIRLS! super missed lah. it was nice to see them again. and seeing my teachers was kinda sweet. i miss them many. saw a few unexpected faces. hahas. rushed home, bathed, changed and went down to city hall with thel to meet sha, kim and farizah. went to peninsular. saw another familiar face. super surprised lah. saw sandy at mrt station. aww misses girl! and si yun. (: ok. everyone seems to be outside. its abit creepy lah. HAHA. trained to town. fareast-ed. then went down to bugis with farizah while the other two went home. walked a bit and went home. it took me forever to get a cab. my whole body is aching like fuck. RAHHH.
i wish it never happened.
Have you ever been low,
Masquerade Love.
9:16 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
hello. been pretty busy today. everyone is rushing through to prepare for teachers' day and it seriously sucks when you can't get the things you need! stressed. -.- there's bio test tmr. great. respiration. aerobic and anaerobic, inspired and expired. AHHHH. started with the video presentation. hopefully it will turn out nice. had dance practice and it was fun dancing with umbrellas X) shasha waited for my dance to end and off we went to haiji lane to pay for the class gathering deposit. sam came too. shasha's dad fetched us there. it was damn nice luh. the place is not exactly big. but its really cosy. super looking forward to monday! wondered round from shop to shop. some shops are really damn nice lah. MONDAY QUICK COME! her dad sent us to tm and we went searching for phones for shasha. and appearantly she only wants a certain RED FLIPphone. yes. emphasizing on red and flip. found nothing she wanted she we slacked a while at macs and went home. gonna stay over at intercontinental hotel with mummy this weekend. another thing i can look forward to (: late night shopping! ok. now im gonna go revise abit more on bio. (:i will never let you fall, i'll stand up with you forever,i'll be there for you through it true love, my whole heart, please don't throw it away.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
11:20 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
awww. love is soundly asleep (: anyway anyway. studying for eng tmr. EOY is coming and my results are serious shit. not good! RAHHH. WHERE'S MY TUITIION TEACHERRRRR. school was boring. dance was alright. many preparations to be done for teachers day. and time is seriously running out lah. sickening much. just gonna keep this post short X)so in love with you <3-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:56 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
JOY TO THE WORLD WAHAHA. finally finally after 9879347902475845 years i went shopping with mummy and got my black skinnys. and i convieniently got 2 pairs of shorts and a skirt (: hahas.
CRAMPSSSS. lol. im super super tired. and hungry. k im gonna grab dinner. (: school tmr. BORING. at least quite slack but then there's always POA and physics to spoil the day. oh well. theres dance. kinda looking forward to it.
a reason to smile, you.
Masquerade Love.
5:59 PM
lol. appearantly its 1+am hitting 2am soon and im still here not sleeping. he is appearantly partying at his friend's house. -.- and im waiting for him to go home. LOL. i can stay up all night waiting luh. idiot. super pmsy and im just supper irritated now. LOL. great. i typed a hell lot of crap and now i decided to just not post it at all. i know i'll regret posting it out. I HATE PMSES. it kills me. it kills him. it kills everyone around. and makes me feel funny bout everything. RAHHHHH. make me paranoid for no reason. why the fuck is there pms-es. all the rubbish i can say and feel. this really sucks. i feel like fuck now. all the things you can think about just drive you up the wall. all the things you don't want to think about. PARANOIDDDDD. i miss those times.i love you.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
1:49 AM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
BOOO. afternoon humans. am home really early today. not surprise. daddy is leaving tmr X) FINALLY. WHOO. hahas. went to town just now with parents. boring as usual. met love yesterday after dance. he grown taller lah. that sickening boy. hahas. went to library with sam and shawn too. planned to study lah thanks to some woman then end up we're all to lazy. HAHA. expected. chen hao and love went to have dinner while me and sam were being damn retarded. went home after that. super tired. is at gamers now i suppose. playing dota. im sleepyyyyyy. oh well. tmr is shopping with mummy (: thats something i can look forward to for now. i love you.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
3:32 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
HELLOOOO. FRIDAY IS FINALLY TMR! (: so my last post was on monday. hmm. tuesday we danced. wed we danced and today well no dancing. but i did CIP with sec 1s and i tell you they are a hell of a class. NOISY AND VIOLENT. just super irritating lah. -.- oh well what to do. then went for the talent time thingy. quite nice lah overall. even though it was delayed for like 1 whole hour due to some misunderstanding between time and venue between teachers. i've been pmsy and sleepy for the past few days. RAHHHH. this sucks. and finally tmr i can meet my dearest. its been a week since i last saw him. anyway. im done mixing songs. hoping real hard that it sounds ok and hopefully the rest would think so too. ok I NEED MY BED. NOW.a reason for me to smile.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
11:31 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm boredddddddd. love is probably sleeping by now and im here doing my homework. RAHHHH. school's not been well i suppose. monday blues. but one happy thing happen. i passed poa (: thats a plus today. learned a new dance today. i need memory space seriously. i can't remember nuts. anyway. not meeting love tmr cause he is busy out of a sudden. oh well. what to do. got to wait till friday i guess.
sometimes you just get so sick and tired of some things you do huh. this suck real bad. i hate that feeling. maybe im just really really tired. rahhhh. screw it.
dance ate up my energy but obviously i still haven't absorb even half(?) of it. SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEE. rahhh. and i owe mr leong like say 3 whole assignments AND i need it for my CA english results. DAMNIT. STUDY STUDY STUDY. i need to study!
my moodswing's been pretty bad recently. nehneh. not helping much. RAHHH. i can't wait for class gathering (:
iloveyou. 200407 <3
i'll walk the extra mile just to be with you love.
Masquerade Love.
10:49 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
In about 50 mins time its gonna be our 4th month. i love every moment with you darling. you've made small little things special and made every quarrel worthwhile. i guess mere words can't explain all that im thankful for. wonder where you are right now. nehneh person. anyway. 6th month will come soon! X) am not gonna stay online i suppose. nights lovely people.all the love and misses.-hillary200407 <3
Masquerade Love.
11:04 PM
FUCK FRIENDSTER. rahhhhh. i find myself getting piss off by that stupid thing every so often now. damnit. moodswings. its blooody irritating lah. the whole damn thing seem slow today and the stupid weather is not helping! kim is equally irritated i suppose cause of some dumb twitass. HAHA. I NEED TO SHOP. I NEEEEDDDDDDDD TO SHOP BADLY. yes. shopping is gonna make me happy! and i'm getting another tuition teacher on top of the two i already have. JOY TO THE WORLD. seriously joy. but oh well she seem pretty in her photos. and smart. hopefully she can teach me miracles. PMS. yes. i think all irritating things on earth SHOULD not the happiest person right now.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
5:49 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I FEEL PRODUCTIVE TODAY (: went studying with ethel cin and mich. met ethel first at mrt then went to ws mac to study. MAC WAS LIKE A FREEZER. it was fuck cold. i actually completed my MATHS assignment for the first time since i don't know when. im happy with myself. i almost completed my ss sorce base question which was due yesterday =x oh well but at least i completed it. then i did more trigo for practice (: I GOT THE STUDY BUG! finally. i need to serious buck up. AM NOT GONNA RETAIN. ethel left for tuition. we decided to move to somewhere else warmer. walked round with cin after that and went to tm to meet my parents. im bored out of this world. rahhh. 2 more days love (:loveeeeeeeeeee.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
11:09 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
LIFE IS MEANINGLESS i tell you. butbutbut i still did something considerably more meaningful today (: I CAUGHT SECRETS. yes im slow. BUT FINALLY! watched it with love and shawn and sam. ahhh JAY CHOUUUUUUU IS DAMN SWEET. he's damn cute lah. super love lah. jay chou have serious talents! X)) k so nothing much happen otherwise. school sucked. maths was ok. bio was ok. geog was more fun in compared with my other subjects of the day AND the WORSE sex edu. like fuck up eh. teacher also crazy one. mood swing go mood swing else where lah -.- and the whole 1 hour 10 mins is seriously a waste of time. waited for sam to end PC and rushed down to tm cause we're late. now im home. AND IM BORED. and i saw ms tesha and a certain SOMEONE. (: awww. 3 more days! lovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
6:34 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
AHHHHHH. i feel STRESS. and i don't know why. there ain't no test tmr. (: oh. the stupid source base which appearantly i have no mood for. and its due tmr. and i don't want see juliene go kuku on me. I NEED MOTIVATIONNNNNNNN. really really bad. I WANT TO LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITARRRRRRRR. this is random. its damn nice lah. school was okok. considering the fact that there was suppose to be physics during the first two periods and sultana decided not to step into class so FREE PERIOD X) and then for english mrs loh had some oral thingy so ms lee stepped in for her and she was quite useless i must say. really. she sits or stand around and stare at us -.- not a very productive day. went with elisha to downtown mac to study. SUPPOSEDLY STUDY anyway. we ate and took our ss stuff out and read the paper for like 1 min and then stared at each other and we know we're gone. we kept everything back and continued chatting. HAHA. yes. so much for studying. su, bronza and jodie came and they ate. we're damn damn damnnnnnn retarded. and it was like 6.10? and i had tuition at 6.15. SCREW IT. cabbed back and i was just one step slower than my teacher. tuition was ok. maths. rahhh. hate it. will never like it. ok. i think im gonna stop. i should start on some homework. (:HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JODIE!
you're love.
P.S: 4 more days (:
Masquerade Love.
9:20 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
FUCK FRIENDSTER. seriously fuck. wth can another virus. funny right. no life eh. keep hacking inside accounts. -.- its damn irritating luh. RAHHH. ok. anyway. school was boring. sucked really bad in floorball HAHA. you should have seen. there are seriously some very very veryyyyyyyyy bored people roaming round the internet with nothing better to do. -.- oh well. i have nothing nice to blog bout. anyway. good job kimmy you did well luh! (:love.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
7:18 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
EVERYTHING IS BEING A BITCH I TELL YOU! friendster is being struck by some dumb virus which turns profiles to ' Savior Of The Souls' WTH right! waste my time remove all the stupid codes. nehneh eh. then BLOGGER DECIDED TO TAKE MILLIONS OF YEARS TO GO TO CREATE POSTS! oh no. hahas im feeling damn pmsy. RAHHH. reading this book by Torey Haden and she never fails to write a nice book bout how she took care of those emotionally disturbed children. and and i playing with this My heritage face recognition thingy. damn cute lah. upload your own photo and they will scan and see which celebrities do you resemble. and i am amazed appearantly. other than the one or two celebrities i know of the rest are some totally unknown humans with funny names. and i uploaded another photo but this one seems to be taking forever to be scanned. WTFFFFFFF. appearantly the second photo i uploaded claims i resemble 96% of Ashton Kutcher. WTH. ahhh this thing is funky. so fun eh. X) i've found entertainment. FINALLY. byebye people X)forever and ever.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
8:34 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
hohoho. yes once again im so bored that im back here to blog. screw all the tests! there's another chem test tmr. not helping at all. if not tmr is gonna be quite an ok day. -.- how i wish there weren't tests and exams. or maybe i should try studying a little harder. LOL. yes. i thought bout that. but sadly im like super distracted lah. RAHHHH. love sound sad or maybe he's just super distracted by the tv -.- but anyway. i don't want to go schoooooooooooool. is boring shit. hohohoho-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:19 PM
im motherfucking boredddddddddddddd! timetable changed today and it was super boring. school wasn't great today. after school was alright. dance was cancelled. so downtowned with sha cin and mich. retard sia. thel came afterwards. heard the the gates for the hungry ghost festival is gonna open at 6pm which is like very soon lah. oh well. TAKE CARE PEOPLE. (: i miss my boy.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
5:54 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
RAHHH i sense a pounding headache and a horrible pms coming. what a combination. *SCREAMS* im going nuts. im so bored lah. i feel like dying. 8 more days to 4th month. thats fast (: i love you dearest. You say hello, inside I'm screaming I love you
You say goodnight, in my mind
I'm sleeping next to you
You drive away from my car crash of a heart
And I don't know
But you gave me the best mixtape I have
And even all the bad songs ain't so bad
I just wish there was so much more than that
About me and you
i'm missing you my dear.
Masquerade Love.
4:49 PM
hello hello hello (: love's dota-ing again. and technically not free to reply. wth. stupid can. oh well. went to suntec yesterday with parents. walked round. daddy almost got me an ipod speaker. AHHHH I WANT! QUICK GET ME ONE! happening soon i suppose. went town with parents today and went to topshop. didn't see anything super nice.anyway, the jay chou song is still bloody stuck in my head! fell asleep on the phone last night but i think love did too. -.- so his hp ended up with a flat batt. =x hahas. im so bored. rahhh. i need to find something interesting to do. BADLY! jay chou jay chou jay chou. his songs are love. (:i'm not your plug-in baby.-hillary.
Masquerade Love.
3:56 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Went to study with cin and thel today. at least we started off with studying in our minds lah. went to marina. ate hans. then decided to go sing kbox. X) ahhh bu neng shuo de mi mi. CINDYYYYYYYYYY. got it stuck in my head lah. i feel weird now. rahh. oh well. anyway. mrt-ed back to tamp. cin went to meet her family while me and ethel walked around. i want those black skinnies. IM GONNA GET IT SOON! X) shoppingggg. then went to LJS and went home. saw elisha and su they all on the way. I COULDN'T RECOGNISE BRONZA. ahhh. i miss you people! here are the photos at kbox(:

i miss you.
Masquerade Love.
9:05 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
AHAH! im back (: watching fireworks with love was sweet. the fireworks were pretty! many funny things happen too but shall not elaborate here. stood at the sidewalk and waited for the fireworks to come but they decided to move to the grass and it was a dead end -.- so jumped down to the carpark. yes. jump. there was no other way to get into the shopping mall. rahh. saw many people there. this is seriously one time of the year where you can bump into your friends from all over singapore. yes its damn crowded. specially the underground but it wasn't as bad as last year where me and cin they all got stuck in the crowd. love sent me home. (: didn't take any photos at all as love appearantly thinks that people who takes photos of the fireworks are quite dumb cause you'll get to watch it again on tv. -.- but anyway it was quite short so no photos. this bout it. i'm sleepy =xit will always be (:-hillary
Masquerade Love.
11:33 PM
so here are the photos from yesterday (:
And this is the turtle which love wants it to be named as Beckers.

And this is Beckers and the banana thingy which he found cute i think (:
aww. darling i love you (: hahas. anyway. gonna go catch fireworks with love and his friend tonight. there's always a first for everything and for once im watching it with him. something im looking forward to right now. and cin watched secrets and said its super nice. AHHHH. JAY CHOUUUUUU!lovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
1:35 PM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
HELLOOOOOO! wanted to blog yesterday but was wayyyyyy to tired. so here's the entry meant for yesterday. Lessons were as per normal. sad to say. the day we've been working hard for is finally here. CCA commendation and combine leadership investiture! CONGRATS for all the people (: did our performances. and well we're all exhausted. sent sammy home and i went home. considerably early too.8th August.
School celebrated national day. ended at 1045 and the greatest part. even though its national day celebration WE HAD LESSONS. 3 BLOODY PERIODS. wth hell right. the ceremony was simple but it was meaningful lah i suppose.. alot of people wore red and everyone was pasting their tattooes everywhere. sha, kim, farizah and i all pasted 'made in singapore'at the back of our neck. went home changed and met sam and ethel at tm. wondered round. we went to parkway to find love and his friends. super retarded lah. walked a little and then mrt-ed to Vivo. its been awhile since i last been there. i swear everywhere is packed by people sia. regardless home clothes school uniform everyone is outside. LOL. ethel left to meet cin and mich at town and we went to vivo. walked round. and watched the nice view. THE PUPPY AT PET SAFARI WAS LOVEEEEEEE. its damn cute lah. had dinner and then stood outside to watch the night view. with love being there with me it was even nicer. even though there was a little moody moment. then he left me with my dear girl and shawn and went to buy me a cute turtle soft toy and a banana phone holder i think. ITS DAMN CUTE. the turtle is super love lah. (: just like him. LU SE DE DONG XI! i will never stop reminding you of that name XP i was surprised luh and touched. i love you oh-so-much darling. you never fail to make me smile. i miss him uber lots. NEHNEH. his still outside. with his lowbatt phone. -.-
talking bout phone, MY PHONE WAS COCK UP IN CLASS. i was receiving messages an hour or two late lah. AND IT WAS IRRITATING. people don't seem to be able to receive my messages neither can i recieve theirs. even until now, whatever they sent me that morning i have yet to receive luh! oh well but now its working fine again. luckily. if not i will seriously go nuts.
pictures'd be up another day! i'm feeling lazy =x
i love you.
Masquerade Love.
11:48 PM
Monday, August 06, 2007
dance dance dance (: rahhh. hahas. finally tmr is CCA commendation cum investiture. and all would be over. hmm. funny things happen. oh well. life is always filled with surprises. listen to your heart when its calling for you. LOL. randomness. I MISS YOU BOY. ahhh. im going offline and study for all my test which are being postpone over and over again. RAHHH. national day is coming (: holidaysssssss. yeah. sweet love.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
10:00 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Masquerade Love.
8:46 PM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
HOHOHO. went out with sam to get my white top and pants for tuesday. got my top at giordiono and sam went googoogaga over this salesguy. HAHAHA. funny can. walked pass the shop for what 4-5 times? being damn retarded lah. walked till 6++ and i went off to meet my parents and she went home. times with this silly girl is never boring i suppose. photos for the day (:
I was bored. X) very bored appearantly.

love went shopping for red and yellow skinnies. LOL. yellow of all colours. but i suppose he looks nice in it -.- I WANT TO SHOP! hahas. i want to cut my hair! something different. something new. but what?! rahhhh. guess now i've something to think bout.
in love with you (:-hillary
Masquerade Love.
10:49 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
IM SO BLOODY BORED. rahhh. daddy is coming back tonight. TONIGHT! Fuckit. WHYYYY. why can't it be next week or something! i want to go out on national day! I WANT GO WATCH FIREWORKS! RAHHH. i don't want to spend it at home! its boring lah. everyone online seems to be really bored lah. when the sun shines we'll shine together. that was so random! HAHA. class song eh? love's sick. down with flu i guess. poor thing lah. get well soon sweetheart. ok anyway. im sleepy. must be the flu too. RAHHH. anyway. putting love to sleep seems easy everyday cept today? trying hard not to fall asleep eh? but in the end HAH you still sleep! PIGGGGG. anyway. i love you (:when hearts collide like fireflies lost in the shooting star showers.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:02 PM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
SCREW TESTS! SCREW IT. RAHHHH. suddenly bomb us with tests, tests and more tests. -.- anyway. today tests were screwed up badly. lessons were boring. teachers were pmsy i suppose. Did my morning duty (: but abit kuku lah every morning be in sch by 7am right -.- after school had some MOE test. abit waste of time lah. the questions were really !@#$ stupid lol. but the fella look super gong luh. a supposedly 1 hour test i think was cut short to 30 mins. (: had meeting. brainstorm-ed. damn retarded lah. pretty fruitful i would say. went back with shasha. tuition-ed and now im doing homework X) yes and i planned to study too. WOW. YES! hahas. Friday is coming X)everywhere i go.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
9:11 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Had CCA Comendation and Student Leaders' Investiture rehersal today. it was super long lah. like 3 hours ++ nothing much i guess. the dance was not well done i guess. as compared. very like not ready kind of thing. jia you girls! anyway, lessons were ok. nothing much. didn't sleep in class. amazed. HAHA. Linda Loh has officially started teaching the class. she's good. haha. she damn cute. RAHHH im getting sleepy. had an online maths test just now. like wth lah! stupid can. its difficult! and i like sure can complete in 30 mins. -.- sickening eh. lucky i the questions. stupid nehneh. love's fallen asleep already. aww. cute thing. ok im gonna find a way to study for tmr's bio test. X) and and I PASSED MY MATHS TEST. WHOOO. damn happy lah. like finally. lovelove.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
10:25 PM