Friday, October 26, 2007
HELLOOOOOOO (: i'm super tired but i'm gonna blog for a bit cause i'm super bored. today was officially the last day of school. but obviously we'll have to come back for lessons, cca and what not. so my first quarter of my holiday is gone. depressing much. okay blogger is being bitchy again -.- anyway, did spring cleaning in class. quite fun lol. principal gave his speech to wrap up the school year and we had teacher admin. we sat at the parade square there for super long this morning due to the many prizes, awards give out and talks. 3E5 is love (: i'll miss this year. alot. and especially those humans. I MISS YOU PEOPLE ALOT ALOT. we received $150 worth of vouchers. gonna put into the class fund for chalet X) hopefully we'll be able to book it. I WANT CHALET VERY BADLY! specially one with the class. anyway. so much for happy holidays. i still need to get my butt to school next week.
Yesterday was boring too. okay i seriously need to recall. i'm super sleepy lah =x OH we had an emergency exercise. SUPER LAME. they played sound effects through the speakers just to make it sound as though there are tremors. but i think no one actually bothered to hide under the table. ITS RETARDED. was asked to go down to the field. it was bloody hot i tell you. people could have died from heat stroke. played games with cindy, mich and co to make time pass. it really helped lah. went back to class. super super hot. and spent the rest of the day sleeping and daidi. went to food court after that. komal and sam were there too. ate. and talked. (: love conversations. Dr Komal X)
my eyes are closing on me. so GOOD NIGHTS PEOPLE!
Masquerade Love.
11:24 PM