Friday, November 30, 2007
MY HAIR IS DONEEEEEEEEEEE. but i still think my fringe looks funny. oh well. i'm happy with my hair colour. life is boring. okay so after doing my hair. went to marina square with cin, sha and sam. super retarded me and sam quarrelled alottttttttttt. but obviously for fun. HAHA. okay after that sha had to go for lessons and then the three of us went down to bugis while sam and cin have their dinner. met korkor there too. he's super retarded i swear. HAHA. after that took 12 back. super long journey i suppose. hahas.
sending my deepest regards and condolences to dear syasya. sorry about what happen.
gimme more.
Masquerade Love.
12:59 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Masquerade Love.
1:33 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
okay so today we had dance practice for a super short while lah. off to whitesands to get shasha's present. Bought her a hamster (: and she's loving it! but apparently cindy seem even more excited bout the hamster more than sha lah. funny thing is, the hamster don't seem to like cin that much HAHAHAHA. and the hamster was like damn stress lah. super cute. got her a box with letters from us and sweets. And we got her a small cake. (: hope we made your birthday memorable babe!
today was quite a short day i suppose? but we had fun celebrating with that woman.
babe, we'll be there through thick and thin. and you're finally 15! AFTER SO LONG! hahas. AND PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF THE HAMSTER OKAY! (:
photos will be up some other day.
Masquerade Love.
10:26 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Masquerade Love.
9:18 PM
ZOOOOOO. (: even though on 11 souls turned up. it was still enjoyable luh. and i bet everyone was super tired in the end. and the bitchy weather didn't stop us from moving round. hope the juniors had fun. anyway. many photos taken. Went to see the elephant show. THE ELEPHANT DAMN CUTE. especially intan and komali. we got wet thanks to the elephant squirting water at us. then we went on to see the many other animals. we walked the whole of zoo seeing a whole lot of animals. many were super cute. another show we caught was the sea lion and penguin one. THE PENGUIN IS AWFULLY CUTE. seriously. okay you should enlarge the photos. and my cam died on me half way. so i had to off it many time just to capture a few photos. happy looking at the photos. (: gonna get more from cin.
Elephant Show.
Random. zoooooo (:
If you enlarge the 2nd collage you can see an up close shot of a fruit bat. THEY DAMN BIG SIA. enjoyyyyyyyy (:
i'm bloody having flu right now.
the way i are.
Masquerade Love.
8:41 PM
ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tmr (: went shopping with mummy today and i have like PANDA EYES. i seem to have ton the night lah. i even saw the sun rise from my window. HAHA. slacked with rebecca after iggy's birthday. kind souls fetched me home (:
so today SHOPPING. pretty dresses. two tops. heels. and mummy shopped too. so two happy person at home. my eyes are really dying on me and i can't wait for zoo tmr. :D
Masquerade Love.
12:33 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
HELLOOOOOOOOO. Today was quite an eventful day. Today is Open House Day 2. repetition of day 1. THERE WERE NO PARENTS. it's like the most ulu open house can. we practiced so long for open house and we still end up performing to our own school people. oh well. at least it entertained them and made them less bored. was overly bored so we took photos (: very retarded but that's us. :D After that we went to downtown's Scratch and did our manicure. fickle minded humans took ours to pick the colours =x yes i took ages. After getting our nails done, took 12 to Tanah Merah. wanted to go town at first but didn't cause dear samy need to go home so we took the train back to pasir ris. very retarded but it's alright, like thel say, saved us from walking to whitesands. HAHA. dinner at cavana and off to the beach. our live is like forever pasir ris lah. oh well. walked to the beach. saw some event thingy. the fella sang really nice songs. sat there and chatted. walked thel back to downtown while me and cindy ate again and then walked back to the beach to talk even more. saw a fish leap out of the waters and some weired hole and then a weird balck thing. kay we saw alot of weird things lah. damn funny lol. then walked to mrt and then home.
Open house day 1 was boring. me and cin woke up early just to set up booth but bloody hell no one was there luh. and we went to downtown again. eat, talked? and then home. ohohoh and i found out that the highest for PSLE was bloody 294. wtf. so smart can. okay i very bored ah so things are random.
kay the blender and the cups are from PSL bonding. We blended tomatoes, celery and bittergourd. YUMMY DRINK :D. two self shots was on kimmy's confirmation day and the rest were today. danceroom and on the way home with cindy.
bobo loves chacha, booboo and baabaa!
P.S: Rico wants to be hereeeeeee. my phone is still nicer XP
cause i'll be alright,
Masquerade Love.
1:02 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
ENCHANTEDDDDDDDDDDDDD. i tell you the movie is a MUST WATCH. it's SUPER NICE. ahhhhhh. the girl. the guy. the prince. the princess. really two thumbs up. the girl is so pretty lah. her dress is nice. hahas. it's so magical lah in a way. the chipmunk was adorable. it's just a super nice movie. the lovey dovey feeling. ahhhhh. okay. hahas. i watched it with my babes, cin, thel and sam. saw illya and sha before the show and we watched the same show too. before that had dance practice. preparing for tmr's open house. gonna be in school by 8am. meeting cin and we're gonna set up the booth. gonna have a performance at 3pm tmr.
BOREDOMMMMMMMMMM. okay gonna back track (:
yesterday had dance as usual. slacked at downtown foodcourt.
monday was PSL bonding session. (: it turn out successful i'll say. even though it rained halfway during the team challenge. the juniors, most of them were really enthu. after that went to slack with su and people. i miss slacking (: then went home. and now i'm having bodyaches.
and and i'm super glad i completed my NYAA after much bugging. hahas. finally it's done and approved.
out from under.
Masquerade Love.
8:47 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
KIMMY'S CONFIRMATION (: abit lazy to blog now ar. PSL camp tmr. 8-8. have to get up earlyyyyyyyyyyyyy. i'll blog tmr (:

revenge is sweeter than you ever were.
Masquerade Love.
11:43 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
HELLOOOOO! IM BACK (: chalet was not THE bomb. but it was fun still. y. i'm gonna say what i remember.
first day. had meeting at 9am. was late. as usual. left at 12+ rushed home. changed and packed. rushed down to tm to buy our stuff (: i swear we were retards at ntuc. spending a total of 167.80 i think. waited for the rest of the guys to come and we bus-ed to the chalet. the chalet was up a hill. -.- so walked there. luckily 3 guys took all the stuff and went along with leon in his mum's car. if not, we'll be dying up hill. the chalet was big. we dumped everything one side. the guys started playing their halo 3. while the rest start mahjong. me and farizah decided to marinate chicken! very fun can. and we started the bbq. played dai di in our room. rushed down and snatched the tv from the guys to watch america's next top model. started to prepare for farizah's surprise. emyza started forming the stuff while we entertain farizah. I TELL YOU IT'S DAMN SWEET. all of us went down to help while emyza surpirse farizah. when she looked out the window, we sang her happy birthday song. and she screamed (: ran in to get the cake. kim and elisha were armed with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. so farizah tasted like whipped cream and chocolate syrup that night. and so did leon's room =x the place was damn messy. so we went to bathe and lots more commotion in there. it's damn retarded. thereafter we started cleaning up the place. went down and then sat around the table and talked bout many many things. joel and kim cooked maggie mee (: and we ate and talked. so fun lah. till 3++ we went up to the room to talk somemore. went out at 5+ to watch sunrise. walked to changi beach. saw many ah gua. and they really looked hot. if not for a bit of the guy resemblance and voice. sat at the beach. saw many pretty stars and we observed the eye of the storm and all sorts of weird things. walked back to the chalet cause of the coming storm. packed the room and left. went to tm. pastamania for breakfast (: played at tm playground, went home and SLEEP. went out at night. caught Bratz with cindy at century. went to chalet after that. went home at 1+ and now i'm here. being very bored. cause everyone decided to stay homeeeeee.
very sweet right. this is the view from 2nd storey X)
so there goes the class chalet. oh well. everyone wants to stay homeeee and waste their saturday. AHHHHHHHHHHH. guess i'm staying home too then.
revenge is sweeter.
Masquerade Love.
12:23 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
TIRING DAY I SWEAR! i slept at 4am. yes. and i woke up at 8+ anyway. not gonna mention what happen this morning. kay so i met sam at 11, lunched, met thel and went for dance. we extended dance for like two hours luh. was damn tired. i could sleep standing. so yah. went home. slept a short while. and been online since. so now i'm like super super tired lah. yeah CHALET tmr (:
kim just sent me veronica's new album and brit's new album and i agree with they. nice! okay my eyes are shutting on meeeeee. GOOD NIGHTS PEOPLE
Masquerade Love.
11:25 PM
GASTRICCCCCCCCCC. does milk cure gastric or make them worse? ahhhh anyway, finally i'm done with the proposals and it's like 3.11am and we have a meeting at 10am tmr. and mr president is still compiling the work even though he's like three-quater asleep already. okay so went for dance today. after dance went to cin's class chalet. nice place. serious. learned mahjong and we played that all day long. cin went to watch her linkin park concert and thel met lester. and the two of them are gonna stay overnight. leon, yanhow and charles came. took turns and played more mahjong. haha. all addicted. i seriously can't wait for my class chalet! i don't know why. hahaha. now my shoulders are aching. -.- so my brain is not exactly functioning right now. but oh well. at least i manage to finish the work. it's super tiring. pass few days am getting cranky. moodswings alert! okay. finally mr president went to sleep. what a day. i'm gonna go offfffffffffffffff.
i wish i knew.
Masquerade Love.
3:16 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Blogger was being bitchy but guess it's alright already. haha. am currently watching hey gorgeous and it's damn cute lah. okay now the show finally ended. i'm back (: heh. today went to school for meeting. quite productive i'll say. okay i'm gonna continue doing my proposals. and i've yet to start on my hw and it's already OVERDUE. great. now friendster is being bitchy too. oh well. all my loves are at chalet can! so irritating. CLASS CHALET! QUICK COMEEEEEEE. THURSDAY QUICK COMEEEEEEE. okay now i'll have to start contacting the class. okay i'm gonna go keep myself busy (:
Superwoman rocks more than superman!
Masquerade Love.
7:25 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Masquerade Love.
5:42 PM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
IM SO EFFING BORED. okay so this few days been dance and dance. didn't go for bridging. nothing much actually. since today is a public holiday, went out with my loves. headed to town with thel sam and mich. walked round. it was boring seriously. there's nothing to do at town. went to marina sq. sam and mich got their bags for next year. slacked abit more. went to bedok. mich and thel went home. me and sam waited for cin to come and we went to east coast. yadah yadah yadah. 9+ go home. and now i'm home. and i'm like damn tired. conference with my loves now. and it's damn retarded. my leg is aching. AHHHHH. okay i'm gonna stop here (:
it's over now.
Masquerade Love.
11:35 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
HOHOHO. okay this is gonna be a short post. is pouring like mad outside. -.- anyway, MR POLAR BEAR CAN SING AND PLAY PIANO and it was really really nice (: hahas. it's still nice even with the flu. X)
looking at the photographs,
Masquerade Love.
12:02 AM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
HELLLOOOO does the guy below actually exist -.- once again. i was bored to the extend of coping something from the friendster bulletin.
I'm the guy who will text youevery single morning and tell you goodmorning, and every single night to tellyou sweet dreams.I'm the guy who will hold you whenyou're crying and wipe away your tears.I'm the guy who still thinks you'rebeautiful with no make-up on, wearingyour most torn up jeans and a plaintee-shirt
I' m the guy who won'tpressure you todo things that you don't want to do.I' m the guy who kisses you on theforehead; it doesn't always have to beon the mouth.I'm the guy who doesn't kiss and tell.I'm the guy who actually listens to youwhen you talk.I'm the guy who's waited all daybecause I'm looking forward to our datethat night.I'm the guy who is content to just beable to hold you and wants nothingmore.I'm the guy who can't help but smilewhen you walk into the room.I'm the guy who's perfectly contentwith staying in and watching movies andcuddling.I'm the guy who won't lie to you aboutwhere he's going or where he's been, orwho he's been with.I'm the guy who gets butterflies whenhe hears your name.I'm the guy who's not afraid to tellhis friends he loves you.I'm the guy who doesn't mess with othergirls when I have you; you're the onlyone that I need.I'm the guy who doesn't care about yourimperfections, and loves you more forthem; who wants a perfect girl? that'sjust boring.I'm the guy who will hold you while wewatch the sunset.I'M THE GUY WHO REALLY WANTS TO MAKEYOUTHE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD.I AM THIS GUY.. one of many.. whoalwaysend s up losing her to the jerks whowilltreat her like crap and are soconcerneda bout getting some.
then again the last bit seem quite true too. when you're just too good to be true, you tend to just take him/her for granted. and poor* there goes a beautiful relationship. okay crappy.
went to town. nothing much interesting there. went to tm. filled with people. what so nice bout tm sia. -.- and now i'm home. (:
yesterday went out with my dearest ethel (: after oh-so-long. went to watch game plan. ahhh i cried and laugh like nothing. not bad luh the show. the small girl is super duper cute. went to take neoprints (: hahas. walked and went to cityhall to wait for her parents to pick her up and i went home.
so there goes the weekend. there's lesson tmr. but luckily it starts at 11 (: one more week and lessons will be over and done with. CAN'T WAIT!
the truth is a stranger.
Masquerade Love.
4:22 PM
Saturday, November 03, 2007
NIGHT SAFARIIIIIIIII X) yes we went there (: okay so we had dance this afternoon till 330. the dance is quite nice lah. mich have to go some NE thingy which involves going to night safari! we asked ms leung if we could follow and she agreed to it. the only thing is we have to pay ourselves. so me, sam and cin tagged along. we only stayed there for like 2 hour plus lah. the tram ride and the walk. went into the mangrove thingy and we saw bats. no doubt, sam screamed when she saw one flew above her. HAHA. damn cute. then around 9+++ we were on the bus back to school. walked back to ws. took mrt with boonhuat and met daryl korkor at the tamp mrt there. he was suppose to walk me to take bus but being super super kind he paid for my cab fare home. THANK YOU KORKOR! X) now he's playing mahjong. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz i'm so bored!
love and hate.
Masquerade Love.
12:03 AM
Friday, November 02, 2007
with love.
Masquerade Love.
12:03 AM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
life is boring. hahas. this line has been said at least a thousand time lah. anyway. I KNOW I SUCK ALOT AT POOL -.- and i didn't know i can evaporate lah. oh well. okay today was lessons, lessons and lessons. -.- chem was cancelled. maths test was a bummer. i think no matter how easy it was, i'm still gonna like flunk it. went to downtown inbetween lessons. had dance. nothing much actually. preparing for open house. went to beach after that. i swear the rock there got hell lot of ants. sat there and talked. cin mich sam and me. (: after awhile went off. walked with cin to mrt and mrt-ed back.
gonna have dance tmr so people COME FOR DANCE. now i'm boreddddddddddd.
who knows how to love you without being told.
Masquerade Love.
9:18 PM