Thursday, January 31, 2008
yay yay yay. in like one more day. 161616161616161616! tmr is vera's bday :D i don't know but i'm super excited. and and there's cip tmr. quite sad uh. til 630. anyway. had two test today. this week had like test test and more test. so irritating. finally tmr. NO TEST :D and we had Vday sales after school. quite successful even though we started with not much business. it was fun. in a way.
now i'm super tired D:
i can't waittttttttttttt.
just like those promises that you made.
Masquerade Love.
9:05 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
i'm feel awfully lazy today. and i'm suppose to be motivated to study. suppose. and i've finished reading the book and the ending was like so expected but it's still nice.
test and more test. the whole deal of O levels. all the teachers are stressing on that fact over and over again. sick and tired of listening to those lines. anyway gonna go see my new house later. yes daddy and mummy bought the house and i have yet to step into it or comment on it. but it's suppose to look very much alike to my house and mummy likes it.
oh well. i'm gonna go see house. :D
sincerely, me.
Masquerade Love.
4:50 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
A BIG CONGRATS for all those who did well for their Os. all your hard work paid off eh. i saw many happy souls jumping about. tears of joy and whatnot. it's great to see all the happy faces. but when they showed the percentage of distinctions and passes, it pulled a trigger in me. it's super stressful looking at it. ahhhhhhh. i need to study really really really really really hard. D: my maths is still in the drain. D: i need to save it. quick. i have to kick my laziness awayyyyyyyyy. yes it's damn easy to type here but to really set my mind to it. effed up much. the whole i'm suppose to study now haven't kick in yet even though i did think bout it. but i did my poa hw for a start. yay. okay i really really need to work on getting motivated. i need to stop slackinggggggggggggg. D:
had dance for awhile after the result thing. went to downtown afterwards and home sweet home. tuition after that. MATHS. maths is everywhere -.-
i guess most things are quite settled. omggggg. i hope it turns out well. :D 9 more daaaaaaaays. :D
i'm iswak2ing again. die. i need to stop.
at the stars.
Masquerade Love.
11:06 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Natural Beige Relationships
Warmhearted and gentle Intensely loving and committal Seek lifelong relationships Very private, keep true feelings and opinions reserved or hidden from others. This may cause them to constantly defer intimate relationships, which may cause problems if others are not sensitive to their feelings If they are in the habit of not expressing their needs and feelings, they find themselves in situations throughout their life where they feel overlooked or even "tread upon" by others Highly practical and cynical by nature, these feelings may cause the Natural Beige to become bitter. This causes them to either give up on their relationships, or to start using their relationships for their own personal gain. However if the Natural Beige consistently express their feelings to those closest to them, they will have a very positive, warm outlook on life and love, and are unlikely to find themselves in relationships which they are taken for granted or taken advantage of Go to great lengths to please their partners Very loyal and supportive, with a deep capacity for love Detest conflict and discord, and highly value being seen and understood for who they are Need space to live their lives in their own unique way, and will respect other's need for spaceNatural Beige Strengths Warm, friendly and affirming by nature Usually optimistic Good listeners Good at dealing with practical day-to-day concerns Flexible and laid-back, usually willing to defer to their mates Their love of aesthetic beauty and appreciation for function makes them likely to have attractive, functional homes Take their commitments seriously, and seek lifelong relationships Values and respects other’s personal space Likely to enjoy showing their affection through acts and deeds Sensuous and earthyNatural Beige Weaknesses Not good at planning Extreme dislike of conflict and criticism Focused on enjoying the present moment, they may appear lazy or slow-moving at times Need to have their own space, and dislike having it invaded May be slow to show their affection with words Prefers actions over words Finds it hard to reveal innermost thoughts and feelings May become overly cynical and practicalNatural Beige as Lovers
You are the archetypical “gentle lover”. Intensely private, you only open your personal depths to people whom you deeply trust and love. Should your partner succeed in winning you over (a process which can span years), you can truly be the ideal lover: warm, giving, selfless and considerate. However, conflicts are anathema to you. You actively hate confrontations, and feel personally threatened by such situations. Learn that short-term and constructive conflicts can be a useful tool in solving problems, and your relationship will be infinitely more rewarding.Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the Natural Beige's natural partner is the Active Yellow, or Warm Grey.
that seem so true eh. every single detail seem so true. omg. hahas.
Masquerade Love.
11:25 PM
:DDDDDDDDD hahas. i don't know why but i feel quite high now. sugar rush. major. okay. lessons, boring as usual. CIP was super quick. hahas. we spend like what 10 mins tops. yes. that fast. anyway. i loveeeeeeeeeeeee the song pie princess sent me! it's super nice. okay moving on. my friend just sent me this screamo song. and omg. the lead singer is a girl. SHE SOUNDED LIKE A GUY. exactly a guy. but she look damn hot. HOW CAN. it's like super creepy!
tmr will be a long day i guess. can't wait for friday :D yay yay yay. 10 more day 10 more days. okay i'm just damn hyper now. and i have no idea why.
btw btw. THANKS JOHN CHEN. being a very nice person. he accompanied my group for CIP :D
whatever happen to love.
Masquerade Love.
10:05 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
YAY. i've got the videos. butttttt. the sad sad part is, i can't edit them. cause the file is not recognise by the stupid software D: okay so till i can find sth that recognises the videos, i can't post them up!
moving onnnnnn. so today the mrt had a disruption. MAJOR DISRUPTION. like not affect super alot of students. example. us humans we take mrt to sch everyday. it was the worst jam i swear. and it made me wait like 30mins for a cab. how sickening right! it made everyone late so yup. but it's fun. i missed the first two periods :D even though it's really redundant periods but still. tmr is gonna be a long long day. there's gonna be mahths test. GREAT. i hateeeeeeeeeeee circles. but no i have to love them cause i really really really need to pass maths.
and and dance was great. tiring but great. :D
now or never.
Masquerade Love.
10:27 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I NEED INSPIRATIONNNNNNNNNN. i've run out of things to write for my compo. and i still have bio and physics to complete D: i'm like super bored ad super tired. and i didn't know there's someone else in my house. oh well. guess i'm gonna move soon. D: i like my houseeeee. i don't want to move. oh well on a lighter note, i get to have a new room. i can revamp my room :D
i hate hw.
yay. everything seems to be great now. (: i can't wait i can't wait. i can't believe i'm already counting down. hahas.
can you see the girl i use to be.
P.S: PIE PRINCESS WANTS ME TO THANK HIM. so, Thank You PIE PRINCESS RICO :D for keeping your promise! and for having the thought of sending me the poster EVEN THOUGH YOU DIDN'T! hahas.
Masquerade Love.
9:21 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Yes i know i look super retarded. but who careeeeeees. i like the colour. :D IKEA IS THE ULTIMATE LOVE. :D:D:D:D btw btw JAY CHOU'S CONCERT D: oh well. and his birthday! ahhh i'm just damn bored. even though i've a major lack of sleep, i have no effing idea why i still like to stay up. and iswak2. the angmoh girl daaaaaaamn pretty. like doll pretty.
Could it be that nothings gonna change.
p.s: yay. 14 more days :D
Masquerade Love.
12:13 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
BORINGGGGGGGG. I swear. sec 4 is ultimate stress. Have to complete all the super overdue holiday hw luh. damn tiring can. every night have to rush hw. yes. i should have done it during the holidays and yadah yadah. oh well. at least now i think i settled most of it. today is jay chou's concert. omgggg. i love jay chou like super alot.
anyway, went to Ikea today with sha, farizah and kimmy. so fun lah. i swear we had the most retarded moments. photos will be up soon. and videos. you'll laugh your ass off. hints hints* kim got bitched by china couple. it's damn funny. i loveeeeeee ikea :D and the food was awesome. you should see what we ate. okay i'm waiting for humans to send me photos so i can upload. so yup. and and we spend like 50++ at ikea just for the class. (:
until i saw the stranger that was you.
Masquerade Love.
10:29 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
omggggggggggggg. i'm effing tired. and i'm still rushing with compo. i can't believe i wanted to sleep early today. and apparently noooooooo i can't. dance was fun and tiring. i miss dance. okay so there's rehersal for this thing and we have nothing. totally NOTHING.
anyway. yay! i completed my compo. at least 3/4 of it lah. good enough. i can complete it tmr in class. :D so tonight i'm not going to go offline for the same reason as yesterday :D finallyyyyyyy. kay now i've got to start working on geog project and ss project. die. super overdue.
oh well. i'm off to bed. goodnights!
the last something that meant anything,
Masquerade Love.
10:35 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Happy Belated Birthday Grayson!
helloooooooooooooooooooo. hahas. yesterday went to crow's chalet. hahas. went down in the afternoon. omggggggg. i miss them like super alot. it's been so long since i saw them. humans were watching saw 4. and then we started disturbing people. everyone woke up and we went to eat. then pool-ed and arcade then back to chalet. hahas. played ban luck. damn funny luh. bbq was alright. i had sore throat and it's acting up again. ohohoh and valerie and i became jeremy's lucky star. HAHAHA. after that played even more ban luck and close to 12 i went home. i miss slacking with them. hahas.
now i'm stuck with hw. D: lots and lots of them. and and iswak2 is loveeeeeee.
Masquerade Love.
2:18 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
hellooooooooooooooooo after a week (: hahas. school's been pretty stress lah. yes owing teachers hw and all. cleared some of them already. yay. had poa test. confirm flunk. pretty much this week was just hwhwhwhwhwhw and lessonslessonslessonslessons. nothing super interesting happen.
anyway, today went to Temasek Poly's open house. saw like alot of people there. the people there were nice. hahas. their mass dance was so cute i swear. even though it kind of drizzled, it didn't stop them from having fun. i learn how to write my name in japanese. so cool lah. hahas. designed tees. :D i had fun. their fashion design look really awesome. They had the nicest painted dustbin i've seen so far luh. really very pretty. gonna wait for elisha to upload all the pics so i can actually cope and put them here. HAHA. okay i'm down with a sore throat. yes. again. hahas. this time i have no idea why. it was like super sudden luh. and today we've met the most fucked up, irritating and annoying bus driver in our whole life. i couldn't imagine what the world would be like if all drivers were like him sia. so irritating luh. okay enough of being irritated. i don't want the weekends to ever end pleaseeeeeeeee.
a little bit of everything.
Masquerade Love.
2:01 AM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
TOWNNNNN. hahas. went to town with cin and sam. rained D: went to cine to play lan. played dota, cs, warcraft, half life. all in the same day. and the funniest thing is. we don't really know how to play =x it was fun luh. steamboat at bugis for dinner and then we took 12. not the most meaningful day but quite fun luh. sam lost her shades at don't know where. cheer up girl.
kinda miss mich. been awhile since i saw her. quick come back to school! hahas.
shopping tmr. (: yay!
heaven on earth,
Masquerade Love.
12:10 AM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
HELLOOOOOOOOOOO. seminar was great. (: i love the clique. and i guess their words really got through to many people. continued with orientation. nothing much too. hopefully the sec 1s enjoyed the orientation. i like the campfire :D after that helped out for parents thingy. and rushed home for tuition. he is old D: but he seem quite nice lah. so now i'm dead tired. i think ever since school started, i've been dead tired lah. lack of sleep. MAJOR!
so next week will be the official start for lessons. which means HW. and the worst part is. there's gonna be tests already. gahhhhhh STRESS.
my eyelids are closing on me.
Masquerade Love.
12:00 AM
Thursday, January 03, 2008
CAMPFIREEEEEEEEEEEEEE. (: so today's orientation was fun. even though lots of shouting and screaming. it was really great to see the sec 1s coming out of their shells and just have fun. now i have no voice D: and am having the worst cramps EVER. seminar is tmr cause of the swap. so the sec 1 orientation is coming to an end soon. tmr will be the last day D: i will kinda miss it somehow though it's super tiring. and it excuses me from lessons X) stayed in sch from 710 till 8+ 9 luh i think. saw the girls dance and they were awesome. the juniors improved alot. (: yadah yadah. went to mac to slack. we made super lots of noise. the super loud laughters. =x all the retarded stuff everyone said. had fun lah. then went home. and till now i'm still dying from cramps. effing painful D: IM DAMN TIRED NOW!
all i have.
Masquerade Love.
11:26 PM
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
First day of school. Love the classroom that's for sure. AND this is so random. I MISS DANCE SUPER ALOT. i miss dancinggggggggggg. D: apparently can't. sec one orientation. quite fun doing the banana dance and singing songs with them but they were abit dead. oh well but at least they were enjoying jacob's ladder. i miss sec 1 times too. all those silly moments.
kay so the whole orientation wrapped up close to 5 i guess. went home with eli. nothing much happen lah actually and i think i'm gonna miss lessons tmr too. campfire tmr night (: hope that it's fun. hopefully the thing will end around 8. djbfsklnfgklfnvg my pms is acting up like no one's business. i hate moodswings.
sometimes i wished.
Masquerade Love.
10:37 PM
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
HELLOOOOOOOOOO. and HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE! Finally 2008 arrived which means school is starting. D: oh well. the big O is just months away.
Countdown with cin and the ncc guys. It was the bomb! the fireworks were amazing. very pretty. binghong was really nice to find my friends and i and bringing us to a place where we can actually breathe lah. everyone was monkeying around. it was really fun climbing over the barriers, squeezing through the mad crowd and yes we trying not to get touched lah. hahas. and yes i have to mention it again. fireworks were THE BEST (:
Photos taken from cin's blog.

with love.
Masquerade Love.
1:50 PM