HEY PEOPLE! hah. yesterday was fun fun fun! went studying with ethel. cindy. then ian came later. then went to watch yours, mine, ours. not bad movie. =) should catch it. then after that..nothing much played house of dead 4. NICE! damn fun lah. LOVE IT. today had combine leadership camp. LOVE IT. fun fun fun! so much fun lah the teambuilding games. =D then headed to ws with ethel. and home. then went to laguna with mummy! ate jap. YUMMY! =) well those pics taken yesterday!


on the bus to my house. =) heh. long way. long waiting time.

after the movie. poor ian waiting for us outside. SORRY x)

cindy looks hot right? =)
thats all i got for now. GONNA WATCH dorm tmr =) cant wait cant wait. take cares PEOPLE!
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