JOB HUNT! not me but my two dear girls. mich and sam. okay so went down to simei. walked all around. practically going into every shop asking if they are hiring people and sadly, 16 and above. -.- whats the whole point of changing the min. age to work to 14 if shops hire 16 and above. went down to tm and continued the hunt. and once again. 16 and above. cs was no better lah. so in the end we went to kfc for dinner. and slacked. talked alot alot. reminiscing bout old times. good and bad. i miss those times. walked abit more. went to open plaza. slacked even more. saw some humans. ethel came. walked abit more. arcade-d and then home (:
and and 15th NOV. CLASS CHALET (: successfully booked it even though its like super last minute.

Photos taken during free periods. thats how bored we were =x
my bimbos and airheads.
Out with farizah and eli (:
i was lazy to upload the photos then so here's the rest. =x
hahas. the many photos here. ahhh. i'm gonna miss alot alot of things. okay. my headache's been killing me today. rahhhh. the bee movie is coming out soon (: this is damn random =x
you are a million miles away.