HILLARY DID HER HOMEWORK TODAY! yes. i'm very happy. I COMPLETED MATHS X) and chem X) and then i went round disturbing the hardworking people :D yes i'm an ass. cam whored luh. i'm super bored now. school's reopening in like a day's time. fuckit. i feel super lazyyyyyyy. i want change my blogskin AND I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO DO IT. thats how lazy i am. anyway here are today's photos (:
and since i was cam whoring outside. i had to leave earlier so i continued cam whoring at homeeeee. hahas. yes call me crazy but i was super bored. so yup here are more photos. HOHOHO.i miss love alot. and i don't know why. RAHHH. hahas. his blog is super dead lah. and to think of it i bothered to change his blogskin so that he would blog. wth wth. nehneh bluff me. and and i read Cleo's magazine and they say that MILK can make pms better. drinking milk in the morning can help pms. X) IM GONNA DRINK MILK EVERY MORNING! wahahas. ok super random. =x anyway, this bout it.
i'll be right here. (:i love you.-hillary