BORING DAY I TELL YOU. rahhh. gerald was late. again. YES. HAHA. then mug and mug and mug for chem test. lessons were pretty boring. test was so so. praying that i pass luh. paid some attention to bio. and yadah yadah yadah. ethel and steph went for their oral. me, cin, mich, sha and a few other humans sat and talked. elisha went home first. super tired girl. LOL. mummy reminded me this morning that i had tuition. so i actually went home super early too luh. then in the end she called me and say that tuition is not today. -.- WTH. make me prepare everything. oh well. then there's photo taking tmr. my dear sammy, we'll make it through just fine alright? (: eoy are like just 2 days later lah for english paper. and i have no idea what to do. this is so irritating. im pms-ing alot today. must mugging. nehneh i've been saying this ten thousand times and i doubt i really started luh. 11th of octoberrrrr. quick come. let me get my exams over and done with!it's gonna be a long long way to happy.
