Saturday, September 15, 2007
HELLO. X) so today had to be in school by 7am. YES its a saturday and im getting my butt in school by then. helped out during the sec 2 CIP. me and eli did the weighing station and it was really slackish. hahas. we sat there and did nothing. ms thang joined us. she is super cute lah. X) hahas. then it started to drizzle. but we still have to go to the open plaza there so we continued walking. and like what 2 minutes later rain stopped. saw the project superstar guy. the superhost(?) guy, vincent ng and le yao. and 2 very hot girls which i have no idea who they were. so here are some photos for today. hahas.
As you can see Ms thang being a very happy person there. HAHA. im super sleepy now. slept at like 2am and i woke up an hour late. RAHHH. sleepyyyyyyy
Masquerade Love.
5:06 PM