Monday, September 24, 2007
IM BORED. as usual. super happy human here. I PASSED MATHS. for the first bloody time this whole year. yes i know it means nothing to all the humans who passed maths but its a happy thing for meeeeee. okay so we got back our combine science marks too. im quite happy with the passes. not great passes but i mean its something since mid year lah. gonna study hard for EOY. yes yes yes. the motivation to go on. rahhh. sometimes i miss him. just suddenly will. hahas. zomg this is not suppose to happen. i don't want to miss you anymoreeeee. okay i seriously need to stop looking at things which makes me go nuts. how i wish i can brain wash myself. just a little. enough to make me stop thinking. anyway anyway. i've resulted to photos to make time pass. when im suppose to be studying =x I NEED SLEEP. i need school to not happen at all. rahhhh. i'm taking light years to post. -.- okay i'm gonna go catch channel u now. the great escape.-hillary
Masquerade Love.
6:16 PM